mardi 2 février 2016

Cycling done! Time for fish.

After a looong month of cycling. Long because I'm so anxious. I've done a water change, all my ammonia, nitrate/nitrite are at 0 and I am declaring the tank ready for something that moves. I know there's another thread going on about this, but I didn't want to hijack his thread.

I have a 75g tank with 20g sump.

I want to start slow, but looking for recommendations for first fish and clean up crew. I have lots of brown diatom and just a little algae (I think), it's small still, but looks sorta like hair, and you can see it moving in the current.

Looking to add just a couple of fish this week to get me started. I have always heard damsels are good first fish because they are hardy (and cheap), but I also hear they're aggressive later once other fish are added.

What also would you recommend for a clean up crew? And how many? Especially this early, I want to make sure they are well fed.

I'm dying to get my first coral in. What's a good recommendation for that first piece of coral to put in a new tank? Something easy to maintain, fast growing, but not too fast, I don't want it taking over the tank.

And lastly, would now be the time to put some chaeto in my refugium? Or should I wait a bit longer for the tank to be more established?

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