samedi 9 avril 2016

Upgrading from 10 gallon w/o sump to 20 (possibly 29) gallon with sump

Hi! I am looking to upgrade my 10 gallon nano reef tank to a 20 gallon or more with a sump. Obviously i will use the 10 gallon as my sump, but I would love some tips on the upgrade process, if possible.
I have 2 clowns and assorted coral. A large star polyp, a leather toadstool, a zoo frag, a candy cane with a head of clover on it and a very unhappy GBTA (actually white, but were working on that).
I want to probably buy a pre drilled 20 - 30 gallon tank and use the 10 as the sump. So with that in mind, what are the logistics??
Should i remove the clowns and corals and put them in a holding tank of some sort?
Then if i want the new tank to be in the same spot as the old, how does that work?
another thought i had, was the fact that I will be using my sand and rocks and water and just adding more of that to the larger tank.
How quickly should i do that? Or should i leave some of my original small rock pieces in the sump to keep my bio filter going?
Im kind of puzzled on how to make this work without losing livestock.
Also, Im extremely detail oriented, so please help me out by explaining your answers. I've been doing this 10 months now, so still a newbie :)

The other issue is logistics of the overflow and sump.

I was thinking of just getting something with two holes drilled, in and out, and leave it at that. But someone told me i should have a third hole drilled for a safety return. Is that necessary?

In the sump itself, I wont have the money to get a skimmer right off the bat, but can I just run filter media down there temporarily? What would you recommend?

Thank you guys so much, in advance!

Thank you so much!

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