lundi 25 avril 2016

Help! Mini Cycle in 14g Nano

I currently have a 14g nano reef tank that was/is undergoing a mini cycle. Just this morning I had a reading of 0ppm Ammonia. I will continue to check the water parameters for a few more days. You see, I was a little over zealous in my cleaning of the tank this week because I was headed out of town for a couple days and I siphoned more of the sandbed than I normally do. I have 2 small clowns and a warpaint clown goby that inhabit this tank, they were all showing signs of distress when I returned which is how I noticed something was wrong. I found out that my Fluval Nano Skimmer also quit while I was gone so I did a 3g water change on Wednesday evening and the smallest clown perked up and did take a couple pieces of food, the other 2 however did not. Ammonia read .25ppm so I did a second 2g water change on Friday and added 3 pieces of LR rubble from my 125g. Last night Ammonia read between 0 and .25ppm so I did another 3g water change and this morning I'm reading at 0ppm for Ammonia. I am unable to find my nitrite test since we are under a basement completion project to build my 125 into the wall with a room behind so some things are misplaced at the moment.

So with all that back story here's the question I need help with. I removed the warpaint goby and placed him in my refugium on the 125 because he looked to be the worst one. Should I wait a few days to return him to the nano tank? I have a new skimmer on the way. Oh, and I did not remove the skimmer housing for the one that is not working because I figured it has beneficial bacteria on it... Should I wait a few more days before returning the goby to his home and is there anything else I should do to speed up the full cycle process?

14g Fluval Nano w/built in sump
0-.25ppm Ammonia for the last week (until today)
??ppm Nirtites
0ppm Nitrates
Tank is 2.5 years old (although the sand is only 8 months due to a move)
Weekly water changes of 1 gallon
1.024 salt content

Other inhabitants are: (no signs of distress)
Emerald crab
Several Blue-Leg Hermits
1 Striped Leg Hermit
Bristle Worms
Bristle Stars

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