lundi 25 avril 2016

Still getting algae growth and slow coral/coralline growth..

Hey guys! Ok... so I am still getting algae growth (not crazy at all but still annoying) in my tank and sump... here is my water parameters..

Ammonia:0, Nitrite:0, Nitrate:0, Phosphate: 0
Ca: 450, Mg: 1350, Alk: 9
SG: 1.026

I use RO/DI water (0 TDS) and do 20% WC weekly and 40% WC monthly. I use Reef Crystals. I have Chaetomorpha tumbling in my sump. I know with a reading of 0 phosphate there are still organic phosphate present being broken down so I decided to experiment with LaCl to really get rid of any phosphates I could, I used a 10 micron sock to catch the precipitate and exported it when water was clear. Made sure to keep an eye on Alk.

So my question is with my water parameters being ideal, very low phosphates which were lowered even further by LaCl, and 0 nitrates, why am I not seeing the coral/coralline growth, and why am I still getting annoying algae like some hair and bubble (which I export by taking the rock out of the tank, manually picking the bubbles off without popping them, then rinsing the rock in tank water in a bucket before returning to the tank)???

My coralline algae is in patches and hasn't grown in a while, and my nutrient levels have been extremely low for a while. The only coral that has grown is my brown zoas colony. I'm just frustrated because I've witnessed the speed at which my coral/coralline can grown, so I'm not just not understanding how slow it grows... YES I need better lights, which I'm getting very soon, but under these same lights I've witnessed way better growth than I'm getting now. I feed my corals a diverse array of foods regularly and even my red acan has not grown, which is surprising. I just want my colonies to stop looking like frags and start looking like a reef (lights will help, but like I said, I've seen them grow way faster than this under the same lights). What do you think...

Corals: Red Acan, Aussie Hammer, Green Goniopora, Brown Zoas, Kenya Tree

Anemones: BTA, Maxi

Inverts: 2 Skunk Cleaners, a bunch of hermits, diverse group of snails, Feather Duster Worm, and 2 Emerald Crabs

Fish: Coral Beauty Angel, Melanurus Wrasse, Leopard Wrasse, Blue Chromis, 3 Fire Gobys, mated pair of Ocellaris Clowns, Sailfin Blenny

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