jeudi 21 avril 2016

need advice on drilling my 125g

I have researched this over and over and I know this subjects been brought up constantly! Please excuse me this is my first post and would really like assurance on this!

Now I have drilled a small 29g multiple times year's ago. So I have SOME WHAT experience with this. Drilling is not my concern,minus being super nervous! Haha.

Here's my question, I have a Jebao WP-5000N
That has a head of 15ft. And 1500gph.

I originally had a Aqualine PF-1000 HOB overflow box running with the jebao (with a ball valve of course). I had to have the ball valve closed nearly 3/4s of the way just to "gain match".

Here I am years later planning to start this system back up (the most efficient/affordable way i possibly can at the moment)!

I ordered x4 1" bulkheads and x2 45mm diamond bits. Are 4 holes too much?should i go "2's for the drains for less holes? I'd also like to drill for my return line(s) also. With a 1" pvc return line full throttle that pump REALLY pushed water(enough to make waves and full grown Oscar's blow away). This tank started out as freshwater and the sump was built around that kind of environment.

Second question is, can I or should I make the return Y off for a dual return?

There will not be a overflow box for now (unless I bite the bullet and get one or 2 to do it all at once).

1" pvc or 3/4"? From what I understand you want some pressure on the pump ,so I wouldn't go any larger than 1". I'd like to Y it off so I can spread return flow to multiple area's of the tank.

I have nearly a 2.5"-3" sand bed and guessing 150-200+lbs of rock. The live stock I currently have in a friend's 60g is a red volitan lionfish,niger trigger,snowflake eel and chocolate star fish. All extremely small compared to their adult size. As of now this will be a fish only ,but eventually want to try some coral's ( I know about the chocolate star and potentially the ttigger). I do not have efficient lighting to even consider coral at the moment.

Keep in mind eventually I will be replacing the pump and want to leave room for a bigger one. More importantly in the event a drain gets clogged im safe!

Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to sharing the build and my experiences with y'all!!!

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