mardi 26 avril 2016

Possibly Dying Rose Tip Bubble Anemone

Hello again. I have a Rose Tip Bubble Anemone that I purchased about 2 weeks ago. I was inexperienced and purchased a bleach Rose Tip because I thought the pink and white looked exotic. I now know this was a bleached anemone. For the first few days it opened up daily, but also deflated completely each morning. A did a drip acclimation over an hour or so, have a Photon-V2 24" LED Fixture which runs max at 40% currently as I'm acclimating, 2 koralia 240's, marineland heater, NO HOB filters or skimmers (daily 1 gallon water change). 40lbs dry rock, 20 lbs live sand. Cycled the tank fishless with liquid ammonia. The tank is now about 3 months old. I currently have a damsel, a maroon clown which decided to host the anemone and still swims around it and in it, 1 margarita snail; other coral, mushrooms, acan, a white anemone (which I now know is also bleached- but very healthy looking), and 1 gorgonian coral. All the other coral are opening up beautifully.

Here is a photo of the anemone a few days ago and then just now after the lights have been on for about 4.5 hours.

I need to know if I should pull it out because I don't want it to nuke the tank.

Water parameters:
Temp: 79
pH: 8.1
KH: 8
Calcium: 300 ( i know its low but since i changed to 1 gallon/day water change it's slowly rising)
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0.00
Nitrate: 10

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