dimanche 24 avril 2016

new to the topic / buying an red sea max series / open vs top

Hi folks
I have been looking for a saltwater aquarium for some time... (previously only freshwater)
I am looking for: mixed fish and corals (soft and stony)
I'm in doubt between a nano (to learn, cheaper - -though harder to maintain) and a mid-sized one (circa 50g)

-- I guess for me now a "plug and play" would be an easier way to start.

One BIG question I have is "open vs closed" top. I could not find much about the topic, I hear open is better, but suicide fishes and evaporation can be a pain..

So far I am about to purchase the "RED SEA MAX E SERIES 260", including the additional filtering and automatic top off - seems pretty nice and of good quality...

I have not yet thought about the corals.. (any ideas??)
I was told that one should plan ahead for which fishes to have before buying an aquarium... so my candidate list of fish and invertebrates (potential to have) are:

Flameback Angelfish
Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
Orange Spotted Goby
Wheeler's Shrimp Goby
Yellow Stripe Clingfish
Royal Gramma Basslet
Blue/Green Reef Chromis
Yellowtail Damselfish
Bicolor Blenny
Sailfin/Algae Blenny
Linear Blenny
Midas Blenny
Neon Blue Goby
Scissortail Dartfish

Banded Coral Shrimp
Blood Red Fire Shrimp
Spiny Star Astraea
Brittle Sea Star
Serpent Sea Star
Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Feather Duster
Electric Orange Hermit Crab
Electric Blue Hermit Crab
Bulb Anemone

Any thoughts / ideas / suggestions would be great!!

Thank you!!

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