lundi 25 avril 2016

Hi :)

Hi y'all,
I have had a fowlr tank for a little over 10 years. You would think I would have learned something by now..uhm nope. I'm still a newb. Seriously!
I do have a clown fish that is 10 years old, Elmo, and a brittle star that is 10 years old, Star. I know real original on that one, lol. Maxine, the clown fish, is 5 years old. They are are called "The Indestructibles". Sounding good so far, right? Haha, they are the only fish in a 150g. Star was a hitch hiker and about an inch and half big. Now we are estimating she is about 21 to 22 inches. She is huge!!
I went through a long term illness and the tank got neglected bad. On top of that I didnt realize the ro/do filters were way over due for a change. You guessed it, now I am battling the dreaded green monster! GHA!!
So now to get my tank all sparkly so I can have some more wet pets :)
I look forward to reading all I can and learning from y'all.

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