samedi 30 avril 2016

Just can't get them to survive

Don't get it. Very glad I only got a firefish this time over - but it too lasted a bit over a week before coming out and seemingly just passing away of no identifiable causes. Had to grab it away from the shrimp, which was at it during the last living moments. Tank parameters seem OK even though it's a small tank of 10g. Usual salt fluctuations but never more/less than 1.024 and 1.028. Water changes once per week of about 20%. Ammonia is zero. Nitrates/nitrites either zero or close enough to it, at least according to the tests.

Corals seem all fine (gonopora is the only one that hasn't opened lately.) The scarlet cleaner shrimp is his usual active self. The 2 porcelain crabs are their usual active selves, waving their fans for food. Hair algae is less than I'd expect, which is quite good. Using Purigen and Phosguard, which seems to work, in a mechanical filter. So now a purple firefish, two red firefish and a Rainford seem to have just expired after about a week - yet everything else seems to be fine. Wondering if I should try another hardy fish of a different sort or just give up trying to have fish with this tank.

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