mercredi 20 avril 2016

Cloudy Water

Hello again TRT,

I have had a cloudy tank now for about 3 weeks. It looks very milky and it has got a lot worse. I believe it is a bacteria bloom. I did a 50% water change last week and it cleared it up for a little bit but my LFS and from what I have read says that it won't help as they reproduce way to fast. I was out of town Sunday-Tuesday and when I came back yesterday I can't even see the back of my tank it is so milky. The fish are not acting like it is affecting them. I increased the oxygen by pointing the powerheads to the surface in the tank as I read that the bloom decreases the oxygen. I'm just not sure how much longer this is going to go on or if there is anything else I can do to help it along. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please let me know what I can do to get this under control. My tank has been up since December and it is 36 gallon bowfront with HOB Skimmer. I added HOB filter for carbon(which I clean out daily) to see if it would clear it up but hasn't touched it.

My husbandry consists of weekly 10% water changes, and I blow the rocks off it a turkey baster and siphon the sand with each water change.

Parameters are..
Ammonia,Nitrites, and Nitrates are all 0
PH is 8.2
Cal is 340
Mag is 1050
KH 9

I know Mag and Cal is low. I am switching from instant ocean to reef crystals.

Thank you for your time!

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