mercredi 20 avril 2016

Stocking 100 Gallon

Alright! So i finally have my 100 gallon reef tank going. Im not adding anything to the tank just yet because im giving it time to do its thing and settle completely before doing anything to it... just to be safe lol but i have an "idea list" of what I would like to stock it with eventually, yet of course i know some of these fish may not be compatible. I also understand that some are "with caution" in a reef set up. So I want your opinion, and if you have a better idea for one, please let me know :) i love color and I do want at least a couple "bigger" fish instead of having so many tiny ones.
So I currently have:
2 ocellaris clowns (mated pair yay!!!)
1 diamond watchman goby
1 yellow tang. I am completely willing to trade in my yellow tang if he is not compatible with the others, or if i need to trade him to get something else

Here is what i want...
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel ((i would introduce the flame and beauty at the same time and make them the last fish to enter))
1 foxface
1 royal gramma
A couple wrasse, id love a leopard wassre but ive heard theyre a bit harder, so im also interested in a orange-black fairy wrasse, flame fairy wrasse, and a green wrasse ((i wouldnt have more than 3))
2 kauderns cardinalfish ((im ok with skipping these if need be))
and 1 or 2 firefish (they do better in pairs???)

The fish i would LOVE to add, and willing give up others to trade out if needed...
Powder Blue Tang
Twopost OR whitetail Bristletooth tang
And id love a snowflake eel, but this would be a far fetch hope lol ((i have a got a covered lid for no jumping out))

So what do you think??? What can i have out of this list, what should i not have, and what could be better???


BTW here is a photo of my current tank ((i do plan on getting one more powerhead for the otherside because mine isn't THAT strong. It was for my 55gal))

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