lundi 25 avril 2016

Brine shrimp hatchery

Im thinking about regularly producing brine shrimp in large quantities. I know my clown goby likes live brine shrimp, and im sure my other fish would benefit from it as well. I have the extra space in the last chamber to fit a 2 liter bottle, and placing it in the sump will keep the temperature stable. I ordered the brine shrimp eggs online, and im wondering how I could keep the brine shrimp alive long term? A couple 5 gallon buckets could generate some revenue, and it would ultimately go towards my tank. I work from home so I definitely have the time to do this. + The wife would be happy with the idea of not having to spend money out of my paycheck for fish stuff.

Ive read a couple ideas on keeping them alive long term. Some say they like dirty water, and some say the holding tanks require regular water changes? Anybody have experience with keeping brine shrimp alive long term.

Im just estimating but maybe $10 for a quart of brine shrimp............idk. Im always looking for ways to fund my addiction to fish tanks. I used to sell aquatic plants online, and did pretty well. I was selling pogostemon helferi or downoi for almost about $5 a plant. It did pretty well, but couldnt keep up with the demand. I guess I would start small with the brine shrimp. Its cheap to get started, and if enough people bought brine shrimp regularly I could upgrade to something larger in my garage. Maybe even sell to LFS.............What do yall think?
Last edited by andrewq; Mon, 25th Apr 2016 at 09:12 AM.

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