vendredi 29 avril 2016

new flame hawk being bullied

I have a 29gal biocube with a purple firefish, green chromis, and a starry blenny. These guys have formed a pretty tight bond and finished off a flasher wrasse about a month ago and I've been pretty nervous about adding anything else in. But the flame hawk is the fish we've been working up to getting, so I bit the bullet and got him last night. I added him into the tank and immediately the chromis started checking him out, got a little frisky with him, but the hawk stood up to him and I think they are okay now. But the starry blenny is still being a little aggressive. We mad a new little cave when we added the hawk to give him a new territory and the blenny has even tried to run him out of there. I'm hoping things will settle down..... I'm wondering how long I should give it? or if it really will get better? I really want this fish... but I'm scared it's just not going to work out. This is my first saltwater tank, and everything else has been good to this point. It's just like I have a tank full of mean girls!

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