jeudi 21 avril 2016

Salinity help.

Hi, so, I think I've messed up really badly. My salinity is very high. I didn't do enough research about salinity, and how to maintain it. I thought my lfs told me everything I needed to know. They never told me to top off with RO. When water evaporated, I've been topping off with salt. Now my tank has ich, and my clowns and pseudochromis aren't doing so well. I'm trying to lower the salinity at a safe speed, but I'm not really sure what else to do. My anemone isn't happy with the change, but I'm not sure my fish will make it through the night. I was told that raising the temp would help, but it's at 80 degree. Is that too high? Should I lower it? Any advice would be appreciated.

55 gal.
Phosphates: 0
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia: .25
Ph: 7.8 (Added buffer)
Salinity: 1.030
10 gal sump.
About 4 month old.

Cleaner Shrimp
2 Midnight Clowns
Watchman Goby
Possible Pistol shrimp hiding in the rock.
Emerald Crab
Turbo Snail
2 Astrea Snail
2 Nessarius Snail

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