dimanche 1 mai 2016

Brown jelly disease.

I introduced a healthy looking gold frogspawn, gold torch, and 3 neon green frogspawn frags. The place I got them from had cyano in the coral tank. And the idiot scraped the neon green frogspawn. I have scraped a ton of corals before and they all lived. But he scraped it in his tank with some nasty bacteria in it.

I didn't dip the corals because I was out of melafix. I acclimated them and put them in my tank. The first neon FS died within two days. Then one of my corals closed up. I saw the brown crap spewing from the coral, and the start on another coral.

I overnighted some coral revive. Dipped all of my corals. And I thought I was fine for a week. Well this weekend it's back. I started on my neon hammers I have had for several years and killed half of it. I have dipped some corals twice within the past few days. I currently have half of my Euphyllia in a quarantine tank.

Has anyone tried the lugols iodine/ iodide treatment?

What can I do? I thought I would come up with something with the 30 minutes I spent on the heavy bag today. And all I ended up with is bloody knuckles and sore hands. Normally if I get stuck on something 15-30 minutes of punching something really helps me think. This heavy bag has kept me out of jail so many times! Lol! now that I got my emotions out of the way. I am ready to work on a solution, but need some advice. I have never dealt with this. And can't find any solid info except people losing all of their LPS or use lugols.

I borrowed my buddies UV sterilizer to kill the infection, and I am mixing 50G of salt water for a large water change tomorrow. I have been careful not to stir up the "brown jelly" in the tank. Because if it lands on a coral it's like a flesh eating bacteria... There is no stopping it.

This is a little heart breaking. Everything was growing and healthy until I added that coral. I am going to keep at it until I find a better solution. Should I treat my coral with Lugols? Right now I am using coral revive. It seems to be slowing it down but Inam tired of breaking off heads of corals from large colonies. I remove anything that shows a symptom into the quarantine tank. who specifically has dealt with this?

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