mercredi 25 mai 2016

29 gallon build

Started a 29 gallon with a homemade 10 gallon sump about a week ago. I am using 20 lbs of live sand as well as 6 lbs of live rock and 40 lbs of dry rock. The sump is just being used for storage of the protein skimmer and heater. I have two powerheads (azoo 317gph and Super Aqua 158gph) one reflecting off the front glass and the other off the back glass. Also using a Fluval marine and coral LED light. I am fairly crafty so most of my projects are diy just to prepare everyone!

So far i haven't seen any spikes in the nitrates or nitrites while the ammonia has a reading but not high. It has only been a week so is this normal? With the two powerheads and the overflow to the sump do i have enough circulation? Should i add another powerhead? I did have a sudden coralline algae bloom but i have read its nothing to be concerned with. I am new to saltwater but have had freshwater tanks for 5 years. I am open to any information regarding the hobby. :) :fish: Will continue to post pictures as i continue through the process.

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Click image for larger version Name: image1.jpg Views: N/A Size: 52.4 KB ID: 126865   Click image for larger version Name: image2.jpg Views: N/A Size: 102.8 KB ID: 126873   Click image for larger version Name: image4.jpg Views: N/A Size: 70.5 KB ID: 126881  

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