mardi 24 mai 2016

New to reefing and need help

Hi Everyone,

So I have decided to finally do my dream and own a saltwater tank. I bought a used 65 gallon Red Sea Reefer and got a great deal. However it was severally negelected and the previous owner had way to many fish (Sailfine Tang, Blue Tang,Yellow Tang, 2 Clowns and many others). So needless to say I gave some of the fish away to friends to make room and help heal the tank. My issue is this the rocks are soaked in Phosphate and nitrates and I want to do a reef tank. So I bought a Phosphate remover that is in a bag I place in the filter socks. I also bought a brand new cleaner crew and did a 60 percent water changes. So I am now worried about phosphates and ntirates and I have been feed the remaining fish the pellets that where given to me however the fish are not interested and they either sink or get sucked up into the overflow box. Should I shut off the Sump? Should I stop feeding them pellets and feed them mysis shrimp? Should I try saving the live rock and buy calcium reactor? I just need some help Lol :help: Thanks ahead of time everyone.

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