vendredi 27 mai 2016

Really Bad Days on Bubba's Reef

I have had a really bad couple of days. I lost 5 fish in 48hours.

My tanks has been up about 4 months now and has been doing really great.

I have been having recent issues with 40ppm Nirates for the past 3 weeks so I have been doing weekly 30% water changes plus bottom cleanings bringing it back down to the 10-15ppm range each week. All my other water chems are perfect except PH keeps dropping into the 8.0-7.9 range during each week between water changes. Afterwards the water change its around 8.2.

I recently decided to change out 50% of my bio balls with Seachem's Matrix to help improve my bio filter capacity. My remaining bio-balls were doing the bulk of the filtering. The ones I replaced with matrix were newer and showed no bio-filtering slim on them at all.

I tested my water chems today (Friday) and all my chems were good except for 15-20ppm nitrates and ph at 7.88. Plan to do another 30% water change Saturday.

I have lost my pink anthias, two clown fish, a red ruby, and a horse face blemmy in the past three days. My other fish a yellow tang, 3 blue chromis and one blue damsel plus a six line wrasse are all doing fine for now.

I see no sign of diseases or stress on any of my fish. One minute they are fine the next morning I find them floating in the corner!!

All my corals are doing fine except I had a tentacle plate that was great yesterday and now it looks like it was run over by a bus.....

Really don't thing the 20ppm Nirate levels are causing this but can't find anything else to blame right now.

Looking for ideas and advice.


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