dimanche 22 mai 2016

90 Gallon build specs

I am a beginner to the saltwater thing so my LFS guy has been with my every step of the way. And this is probably really low budget compared to some of you, So be gentle! Haha

90 Gallon marineland corner flow with a 30 gallon open sump underneath. I went with the open sump for the flexibility and ability to add later.

Sump includes;

Sicce 3.0 return pump
Eshopps PSK 150 skimmer
Custom built 1 inch pvc plumbing

Inside the rank;

2 Jebao wave makers
Caribbea live sand
50 lbs live rock


2 AI Hydra 26 HD
Custom built lighting rack

2 domino damsels
3 blue/green chromis

Give me your thoughts!

Fish have been in about three days now. I had a Eibli Angel but he passed within the first day of being in the tank :( not sure why.

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