mardi 31 mai 2016

12 Week Stage Questions

So I have my first saltwater tank and have some questions and hopefully some guidance of how to go forward.

I am almost 100 percent certain I have cycled. But here some question and issue I have with the tank

The tank is 75 gallons with a 30 gallon slump. It has a skimmer, a combined GFO/Carbon reactor, 4 power heads ( 2 main hydros, 1 small hdyro for the back and a power head to agitate the top water) 2 Chinese LED lights (eBay specials I believe)

Weekly water changes / sand cleanings. Daily blowing off of rocks

Water is clean. Everything standard is 0 except for ammonia. But I believe there is an error in the API test kit. LRS says its good and I tested their water and it showed small ammonia as well. So I think there is an issue with API test kits.

1. So the brown hairy/slime algae is hard to keep a bay. With in a day there is a good amount on the rocks and the soft corals. I blow it off with a baster but back the next day. It starts to get onto the glass and the sand. I scrape it off the glass and vac the sand ever week. Is this normal? When will it stop, or slow down?

2. Had 30% live rock and 70 percent dead rock. The dead rock went from nice and white, to brown, now its algae green. Now its getting the nice purple spots. Does this sound about right for dead rock to live rock progression?

3. Have tons of little bugs at night, looks like clear cockroaches. I am guess they are some sort of pod? Do I need something to control these guys or just let them do their job?

4. Stock, I have 2 chromes, 1 emerald crab, 1 urchin, 9 snails, 10 hermits, 1 cleaner shrimp and a long bristle worm (very smart and can't catch him). Do I need more for a clean up crew? How much more live stock can I add? Looking to add 2 clowns, lawnmower, possible another shrimp but worried they may fight?

5. PH is 7.8 - 8.0 I have done everything to raise the PH but it wont budge. Added more rocks to the slump, more water agitation at the top of both the display tank and the slump. It won't budge at all. Will it go up in time?

Thank you all for view this post. I know most of these answer may be found in other areas but I get frustrated trying to sort and read them all. Just hoping for a onestop shop here.

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