So, it took me a while to figure out the layout of the site, and after a bit of looking around, I discovered the correct place to post my build where I could refer people to in regards to any questions i may have. Seeing as I have already introduced myself I will get right into the setup that I currently have.
The tank has been cycled for a week now and was an upgrade from a 20 gallon.
-72 gallon bowfront and Fitted Stand
-ESHOPPS PSK-100 Protein Skimmer
-Hydor Koralia 600
-Hydor Koralia 1500
-2 Ecoray 60D LED's
-Tunze Silence Pump-Return Pump
-25 Gallon Sump
-3 inch sandbed
-50 Pounds of Mixed Rock
-Maroon Clown(Sid Viscious)
-Bicolor Blenny(BLENNEH!)
-Metallic Green Hammer
-Gold Tip Hammer
-Gold Tip Frogspawn
-Blue Goniopora
-2 Yellow Goniopora
-Yellow Tip Toadstool
-Red Montipora
-Metallic Green Flower Tree Coral
-Metallic Green Ricordea Mushroom
-Brown and Green Mushrooms
-Orange and Green Open Brain Coral
-Metallic Green Trumpet Coral
-Rusty Gorgonian
-Purple Gorgonian
-Red Short Tentacle Plate Coral
- Green Brain Coral
-Cleaner Shrimp
-Emerald Crab
-Tiger Conch
-Sand sifting Starfish
-Standard Cleanup Crew
One picture of the tank is from before I got more rock.
The tank has been cycled for a week now and was an upgrade from a 20 gallon.
-72 gallon bowfront and Fitted Stand
-ESHOPPS PSK-100 Protein Skimmer
-Hydor Koralia 600
-Hydor Koralia 1500
-2 Ecoray 60D LED's
-Tunze Silence Pump-Return Pump
-25 Gallon Sump
-3 inch sandbed
-50 Pounds of Mixed Rock
-Maroon Clown(Sid Viscious)
-Bicolor Blenny(BLENNEH!)
-Metallic Green Hammer
-Gold Tip Hammer
-Gold Tip Frogspawn
-Blue Goniopora
-2 Yellow Goniopora
-Yellow Tip Toadstool
-Red Montipora
-Metallic Green Flower Tree Coral
-Metallic Green Ricordea Mushroom
-Brown and Green Mushrooms
-Orange and Green Open Brain Coral
-Metallic Green Trumpet Coral
-Rusty Gorgonian
-Purple Gorgonian
-Red Short Tentacle Plate Coral
- Green Brain Coral
-Cleaner Shrimp
-Emerald Crab
-Tiger Conch
-Sand sifting Starfish
-Standard Cleanup Crew
One picture of the tank is from before I got more rock.
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