mercredi 25 mai 2016

Refugium Display Tank Help

I decided that I wan to convert my FOWLR tank to a macro algae display tank. In the future I may want to try my hand at seahorses or pipe fish, but for now I just want to know the best way to start the conversion.

The tank is 75 gallons and has been up and running for a few years. I'm going to rehouse all the current livestock and begin fresh. I have about an inch of new sand (6 months) in the tank currently.

1) Should I just add a couple more inches of sand on top of the current sand bed?

2) Should I add "miracle mud" or something similar? I've read conflicting pieces on what is best for the macro algae that would be planted in the sand bed.

3) Lastly....for now, what is the best maintenance for a deeper sand bed? I'm used to siphoning every few days. Should you do that with a deeper sand bed? Would this export nutrients that the macro algae needs?

Thanks for any help you can give.

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