mardi 31 mai 2016

Seaclone Skimmer Question

I realize that this isn't the greatest skimmer, but I got it in trade and it actually seems to be working so bear with me.

The skimmer actually seems to be working pretty well so I am not inclined to replace it right now. My question is with the pump- it uses the old styule maxijet 1200. This pump is literally louder than my overflow and mag 9.5 return pump combined. Actually the hum is probably like 4 or 5x louder. I don't know how old the pump is, I assume a few years.

Any ideas on how to make it quieter?

These pictures are after about 4 days of skimming. Bioload is not that high right now, so I am impressed it is pulling anything at all to be honest.

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