mardi 31 mai 2016

OMG, What a cluster*^$&

So i made the switch this weekend from my 75 to my new 180. i had a friend come by to help me move my 75 and move the new one into place, but then he left and i did it all myself. Holy ****, biggest cluster ^%$# i have ever been a part of. I have never transferred a tank like this and it showed. Friday night is was up till 2, getting everything i could ready for the switch. Saturday night i was up till 5 and got the new tank up with sand and rock and water in, but once i started all the pumps, i had leaks from the bulkheads. it was 5, i drained the overflow boxes and went to bed. Got up 4 hours later and started to fix the leaks. for every leak i fixed 2 more showed up. Finally got leaks fixed and the fish and coral in the tank mid day. I had my coral in a backup tank with powerhead and heater and then the fish in a 50 gallon tub with some LR, heater, powerhead and air bubbler. They were in holding for about 24 hours before going into the new tank. All fish have survived (for now) and more shockingly, all coral has survived and actually seem to be doing better in the new tank. i say shockingly because most of the coral took some damage in removing from old tank rock. fish and coral went in on sunday and all seemed well, until sunday night just before bed. I notice a bulkhead with a drop of water, i watched it for a while and it was very slow, maybe 1 drop every 10-15 minutes, i was dead tired so i decided to just put a container under it and go to bed and address it in the morning. Monday morning and its leaking much much more. The container is overflowing and the bottom of the stand is soaked. I tighten the bulk head a little more and it cracks. FML. So i drain the box, thankfully have another bulkhead on hand. I replace it and no leak. its now been about 36 hours and no leaks. All fish and coral are good and i love the tank. It was utter hell getting it done. Hands are tore up, shoulders and back hurt, ass hurts from sitting on the tile floor for so long, but...... i sit back now, basement in utter disarray, with a beer in my hand and watching the new setup and its worth it. My wife, who thinks im an idiot and doesnt understand the love i have for this, even came to me, dodging buckets and trashcans and hoses, and tools and towels....lots of wet towels and said she was proud of me, she said most people would have given up or hired somebody to do it after all the **** i went through. It felt good. Come tomorrow it will be "clean this mess up" but for now, i enjoy

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