lundi 23 mai 2016

Question about Tangs

i currently have a 75 gallon and am about to upgrade to a 180 gallon. my livestock is as follows.

bristletooth tomini tang- about 4 inches long
coral beauty
2 occ clowns
scooter blenny
1 firefish

1 scarlet cleaner shrimp
3 peppermint shrimp
1 sexy shrimp

a few hermit crabs and various snails of multiple varieties

3 colonies of Zoas
long polyp leather coral
green sinulara
palm cloves
green mushrooms

My question is, i know i want another tang along with a few anthias when i make the switch to the 180. I was thinking about adding the tang very soon after making the switch, like within the first week, in hopes of keeping peace between the other tang i currently have. And then adding the anthias a couple weeks later. Does this sound like the way to go or is there a better way?

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