samedi 9 avril 2016

Unhappy, apparently bleached anemone...

I got a new BTA at the LFS this past Monday. I liked it because it looked more white than green and I didn't realize that meant it was bleached until I did some research online. I have noticed that it is starting to get a little bit of a green tint on the ends since its been at my house which is good. But this is about as open as it gets. It moved a few times but after my last water change he was really traumatized and closed up. I changed 20% of my 10 gallon nano on Thursday. I also haven't been able to get him to really eat. I put some little mysis pieces in his "tentacles" (using that term loosely because they are just little bubbles at this point) but the shrimp just sits there and he doesn't seem to want it...nothing happens. Please have a look at this pic and let me know what you think. I thought BTAs were supposed to have longer tentacles. Are there different species that have short ones like this? Or is this just a sign of distress? He was not super impressive at the store but a clown was absolutely in love with him and it was only a little bit more open than it is now. Plus he was only $40 which now I'm feeling is too much considering i now know he is bleached. This is my first anemone so I would love some advice. Here are my parameters:
pH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphate 0
dKh 9
Magnesium 1300 (was a lot lower a week ago but I brought it up with seachams magnesium crystals before buying the anemone)
Calcium 380 (slowly increasing with seachams calcium)
Temp 78
Lighting - 165w full spectrum LED unit bought from Amazon - (galaxyHydro) at 40-60% max for 11-12 hours per day
Filtration- aquaclear 30 HOB with filter floss, chemipure elite and purigen (bottom to top) - this filter creates the necessary flow (or at least I thought it did)
I started adding phytoplankton Monday also. Have done this twice.

What am I doing wrong?? My leather has been closed up a few days also but that is probably because I moved things around when I added the anemone and my new candy cane (also unhappy, but brand new). I moved the leather to the other side of the tank and he hasn't spoken to me since :/
I may be in over m head here! But my tank is 10 months old so I thought I was ready to take on an anemone. Everything has been steady except a weird mag and calcium drop that I have almost got in check.

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