mercredi 2 mars 2016

this hoby is addicting.!

my journey through in aquatic keeping started with a 10 gallon tank starter kit from walmart, witch my mom got me for my 13 th birthday. ever since that tank i have been enrigued and curious to learn more and more . in the past year that i have gotten my job that i studied for i got the financial stability to really get fish. i now have a 16 gallow bowfront, 29 g, 55 g, 75 g, 75g tall, 100 g, 180 g, and my new beast the 240 g. i spend all of my income possible on my little fishy freinds, as well as my free time minutes turn to hours and hours to days that i spend in my fish room. this hobby has also made me a better person i would say, i have been sober for a year now i was on a downward spiral in alcholism. my life is now in check, i have prioritys and im always looking forward to the next day, to the diy for the tank. anyways also a big thanks to everyone that has helped me with questions... !

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