samedi 26 mars 2016

New tank high nitrates

hi everyone. Just need a bit if advice. I started a 130 litre tank a week ago. I have approx. 10kg live rock. 15kg dry rocj. 2 days ago I did my first test with api saltwater master test kit. 0 ammonia 0 nitrites 20ppm nitrates. Added a dead shrimp to get things going on the ammonia side after test. Tested yesterday and started to see slight rise in ammonia, no nitrites but my nitrates are getting higher. Up to 50/60 ppm. Also noticed brown algae starting to grow on rock.
I'm just wondering if this is normal. Should I do small water change to reduce nitrates? Should lights be on or off during cycle? How long should I leave the shrimp in there for?
A lot of questions I know. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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