jeudi 31 mars 2016

Suicidal anemone?

Hi guys,

its been a while since I posted something but I have a question....

About 3 weeks ago I got this beautiful giant anemone that I placed in the front of the tank and she was just happy there for about 2 weeks and then she decided to move all round. At some point she was on top of the giant rock with power head blowing directly into her...

Well, today I found her upside down just jammed into the rock and i became kind of worried and then I picked her up and move to another spot in the tank right under the light and she'd have plenty of pace there however she let go and the current jammed her back into the same spot... she the pic below...

I have not clue what to do... :( I just want her to be happy. I feed her twice a week with a scallop meat and she eats it.

PLEASE give me some advice...

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