samedi 26 mars 2016

New live rock questions/ coral identification

Hi all, just updated my FOWLR tank a bit, got a heap of really good live rock,
heres a pic of my tank, is that to much live rock ? personally I like the look and the fish seem to be loving it, would having that much live rock do something to the glass tank like to much weight ?

also here are some pictures identification on what they are please :)., one of them got damaged do you think it will be ok ? and one of them isn't stuck down on anything, what can I use to stick it on a live rock, is super glue ok ? do they require anything special, I have some t5 lights on them atm, as they are new do I just give them a bit of light at a time ?. heres a tentacle looking thing aswell,

I guess I'm going to have a mini cycle ?, plus I stupidly put in a crab from one of the live rocks in the tank, it was quite big like 2cm wide, and now I dont have a picture can it eat my fish ?

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