mardi 29 mars 2016

RO/DI damaged?!

Good morning!

So I received my new RO/DI unit from BRS and in all the excitement didn't read the manual. I ASSUMED it was similar to my old unit which had a RED waste water line. So I hooked up the new unit to my faucet with the BLACK line thinking this was the main water supply line. Well after about 8 hours and little to no water being produced, I red the manual in case there was a really long break in period. That's when my worste fears were realized. I had hooked up the waste water line to my faucet and ran water through it this way for about 8 hours. I've since reversed the lines and I'm now producing water. My question is did I somehow damage any components in the RO/DI unit?! I don't have any test kits for the water quality but will try and take a sample to the LFS later today when they open. Thanks for any help/thoughts!

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