lundi 28 mars 2016

Arrow Crab eating Cleanup Crew?

I have a 55g with the following inhabitants in it:

2 clownfish
1 pink sea urchin
1 longspine black urchin (it was on a piece of liverock)
1 cleaner wrasse
1 blue damselfish
Cleanup Crew of hermits and Snails
Arrow Crab
Scooter Blenny

I recently purchased a cleanup crew of 4 snails and 4 hermit crabs

Come to check on them and Gibby(the arrow crab) was snacking on a snail!

Today he has been eating a hermit crab out of its shell.picture below.

Anyways, any idea what I can do to make him stop eating the cleanup crew? I got the cleanup crew to get rid of red algae. I feed all my fish brine shrimp.

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