jeudi 31 mars 2016

Dramatic Decrease in N & P with Chaeto?

Hey guys! So my new sump build is a killer success and I am stoked. I now have a 100gal DT and a 55gal sump with Chaeto. I wanted to ask you guys if any of you have noticed this. I went back home to NYC for a few days and had someone feed my fish and inverts but since I had a Fluval 406 canister filter that I cleaned everyday that was no longer being cleaned for a few days my nitrates and phosphates shot up. I have had my sump running now for only a full 24 hours and I literally have seen my nitrates go from 30ppm to nearly undetectable using the exact same test kit (API) a day apart. Now granted there is more water volume but the sump isnt even filled to the brim obviously so its like what? 40 more gallons added? so say estimate 40% more water.... that would equal only 40% less nitrates. So it should be reading around 18ppm... I know the Chaeto eats up nutrients... but this quickly? I just didnt know it was going to be that dramatic... and with my phosgaurd, chaeto and wet skimming, my phosphates are also undetectable. Pretty stoked with these results.. just confused.. anyone?

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