lundi 28 mars 2016

Juwel internal skimmers anybody use them?

This is my first post in on the forum other than my introduction so hope its in the right section....

I have read reports on the internal JUWEL Protein Skimmer, the price tag rings alarm bells right off as it always seems you get what you pay for. Its just over £100 UK. doesn't seem a lot of room for qualiyt over indulgence :thumbup:

I have always been diligent about water changes with fresh water tanks having owned South African Chiclids and the other end of the spectrum an Amazonian tank with wild caught angels, so a little experience of water parameter ect.


Do they work are they nose buckets ?

I hear you have to glue them to the tank yourself?

Anybody have opinions.

My tank is going to go on a second floor the house is over a 130 years old and the floor is made of oak beams so can take a lot of weight.

but with it being in the guest bedroom, I dont want it over cluttered with stuff and I am not of the hugely mechanical nature as well.

So if not the Juwel Internal would prefer either a HOB or Internal of other make...

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