vendredi 25 mars 2016

Puffer internal parasite possibility

Hello, I have a green spotted pufferfish in a brackish water setup in a 10 gallon tank and will soon move it to a 30 gallon tank once it grows. My water parameters are: ph 8.0 kh 7 nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia 0 and salinity is 1.012.
I usually feed him half shell hikari clams. One day I decided to feed my gsp a rosy red minnow. What I didn't know is they are filled with parasites that are harmful to predatory fish. Two days later my gsp ended up with a loss of appetite and the next day his belly darkened a very little bit. Luckily he is active. He swims up and down constantly however which also kind of worries me. I am guessing the puffer has an internal parasite from eating the rosy red minnow and I wanted to know what supplements you guys rev omens me to treat him with. Water conditions are great and when I did a 50 percent water change, that unfortunately didn't do much for the puffer. Please help me and do you think he would still be okay after I come back home from a 6 day trip? Thank you very much

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