mercredi 30 mars 2016

Adjusting HOB RO100 protein skimmer

I'm confused on how to adjust my protein skimmer. It's the HOB reef octopus 100. Within the first 30 minutes of me putting it on it really pulled out some gunk. The next morning had about a half inch of gunk in the cup already but the bubbles were not flowing over into the cup anymore. I adjusted the cup down and it seemed to overflow too much. I dumped the cup and cleaned it and put it back to where it was barely overflowing and left it for most of the day and it pulled out a lot more gunk but when I got home the bubbles were not overflowing again. Do I leave it in the same spot and let it fluctuate or is there a happy medium I need to find? This is my first time with a skimmer so bear with me.

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