jeudi 3 mars 2016

advice on transporting water

I have a 475L marine tank which is fine but I am currently studying at university and my 3rd year project is assessing the biodiversity of the bacterial communities within the water. I intend to take several water samples from my tank to transport to uni (approximately 30 minutes away) As my current water temp is set to 26-27 degrees I was wondering if anyone knows how I can safely transport the samples (approximately 20 x 5ml samples taken from different locations in the tank) while keeping them at the same temperature. If the temperature drops then the biodiversity will die off. My ultimate aim is to assess whether there are different symbiotic relationships in the tank that can either aid the fishes health or where there are slower water flow, inflict/ risk the fishes health.

If anyone has any ideas on transportation, please let me know.

Thank you

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