jeudi 24 mars 2016

New to Salt

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Paul I am from SE North Carolina. Have had aquariums for years and love the relaxation it gives me.

Now I have taken the plunge to the salt side. I have a 75 Gallon Display with a 30 Sump, Protein Skimmer Overflow etc. The tank hs cycled all readings are good right now I have 2 or 3 pieces of Live rock with Feather dusters on them Initially only had 1 so they are multiplying, Also have a mushroom a few hitchhikers that were star fish Little white ones and livestock is 2 yellow tail damsels 2 bow tie damsels and one coral beauty angel and 3 red hermit and 3 blue hermit.

I will be adding a larger cleaning crew consisting of an additional 20 blue leg hermits and 20 red leg hermits as well as some turbo astrea snails and a few peppermint shrimp a few emerald crabs and possibly some nassarius snails.

As for live stock I look to get 2 mated pairs of clowns with anemoneas a rusty angelfish a bi color angel a yellow tang a blue hippo tang and a huma huma trigger as well as add more frags and possibly a snowflake eel but as we all know this is a long term plan and things change so we shall see how it goes. Any advice for a rookie to Salt feel free to share.

Oh and I also have a 30 gallon quarantine for the live stock and a 20 gallon for live rock and a 20 gallon for corals and frags as far as quarantine goes. If all goes well I will be replacing the 75 with a 200 gallon sometime in the future and will use the 75 as a quarantine tank.

Looking forward to doing more contributing here as I have been reading the forum for quite some time and finally registered today

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