mardi 2 février 2016

Sunset Butterflyfish info

Hi everyone. So I'm new to TRT but I'm not new to keeping saltwater fish (on my second tank). My latest tank is just maturing off - it's got about 100 lbs of LR in and is a bit over 60g.

I intend for this tank to be a full reef setup with softies, LPS and SPS.

One of the fish I'm really interested in having is the aforementioned Sunset Butterflyfish (Chaetodon Pelewensis). I've read that they're one of the more 'coral safe' butterflies readily available, but there seems to be a lack of more info on it.

Could someone please shed a little light onto this fish? I'm interested in its diet, compatibility with other fish, how 'coral safe' it is and the difficulties in keeping it.

Thanks in advance!

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