dimanche 21 février 2016

Destructive midas blenny

Over the past few weeks or so the midas blenny has been very badly behaved. He bullies the rainford goby (The poor guy is friends with the green mandarin and now only ventures out if she's with him), nips at coral and deliberately knocks over frags.

He had a little hole in the rock that he would stay in but one of the rose bubble tip anemones moved into it. So now he's throwing a huge tantrum and ramming small frags (Including my torch, montipora, favia, fruit loop zoas and purple stylophora) until they fall out of their own holes so he can take them for himself. Having cleared one hole he'll move on to the next.

Needless to say I'm getting fed up of having to pick up my frags twice a day. This morning he knocked down my stylophora again and it narrowly missed landing in an anemone.

He also takes advantage of the orange plate when it's eating and will nip at the coral's mouth so he can yank its food out. That behaviour has been happening ever since I got it months ago.

I'm going to buy some superglue this week so I can make sure he doesn't attack my frags again but in the meantime, is there anything I can do to discourage his bad habits? I really don't want to have to remove him because he's such a nice fish.

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