lundi 22 février 2016

Anemone Disease/Parasite?

So I acquired a green carpet anemone from my dad, who is giving up on his now-sparse tank. I have a fairly new tank (about 6 weeks), and I know anemones need to be in mature tanks, but there really wasn't much alternative for the little guy, so I took him into my care.

I noticed after he opened up a bit that he has some pink, swirly little things on his tentacles, mostly on the outer borders. I have googled up and down trying to figure out what this is, to no avail, so I'm hoping someone here can tell me. It looks like it MIGHT be scar tissue from damage of some sort, but it looks too much like a worm or parasite to not ask this to some people more expert than myself.

He is doing well, despite the possible ailment. He's done a couple laps around the tank, but always ends up staying for a while in the same spot before moving again. Hopefully he'll park somewhere soon. I fed him a quarter-inch piece of shrimp yesterday, which he ate right away, so he can't be feeling TOO horrible.

Apologies for the big pic size and clarity. It's the best shot I could get of it:

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