jeudi 7 avril 2016

Marine Velvet Treatment

So I am having an outbreak of what I believe to be marine velvet in my 120 gallon reef tank. I am still slightly unsure, but that seems to be what it looks like. I plan on getting a 55 gallon QT to fit all my fish for treatment, but I am curious about the best treatment for this? There seems to be so many treatment options for this particular disease, but I am looking for the most effect way to eradicate this. Most of my fish have developed immunity actually, but any new fish I add get sick and eventually die unfortunately. It's turned into a long and disheartening cycle as I'll buy a new fish, it get's sick and dies, and after that the disease lies dormant making me think it's gone so the cycle starts again. Reason being is I struggled to figure out what was actually going on for a while. Now that I have figured out what's going on though, I am determined to get rid of it. If anyone could provide the needed info on the right treatment method it would be very much appreciated.

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