jeudi 3 mars 2016

Thursday Thursday

Morning all :thumbup:

Guess why my day gets to start before the dream I was having finished?
Yup, dawgs :rolleyes: . Not complaining (a bunch) since I was the primary cause of "us" having 'em all .

Coffee's on , and eggs any style.

Woke up to a fresh layer of snow this morning, rumor is we could get 4" in some areas, your MPG may vary.

Had a few things penciled in to tend to today, a few of the headliners involved travel up north. Will prob slide them off the top of the list and reschedule them to a better road conditions day.

Forgot if I mentioned it yesterday, but we found out we are not going to get a foster dawg out of the 14 our rescue brought in last week, but I have a long dawg transport on Friday. First leg of it is to take one of the 14 south to Lafayette, hand him off to a further south heading driver, then pick up one coming from the south end of the state and bring her back up north to our rep for it's coming into rescue stuff, vetting and such. So it looks like I'll have a travel companion on both directions of this transport run. Hope/imagine that roads will be cleared up nicely by then ;).

Hope everyone has a great day! :fish:

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