mardi 1 mars 2016

Sick clown

I think I may have a sick clown, he's not eating and I wish I had a better way of describing this, but he looks like he's out of focus. lol. I know that sounds dumb, but my other clown looks fine, is hungry as a horse, but this guy just looks off. I have had him for about a month, I got the pair together and have only added a yellow tang and some snails/hermits since him about 2 weeks ago, everyone else seems healthy.

This is the best pic I could get.

I do 20% water changes every other week. I just added a protein skimmer in 2 weeks ago. My water temp fluctuates between 74-78, I live in a very old house and here in Maryland it's 60 one day and in the 30s the next. It's a 75g tank with 20g sump with refugium. Only real change has been the last few days I've been able to get some windows open and got my pH up to around 8.2, up from the 8.0 I've been getting. Phosphate is slightly high at .25 abd my calcium and alkalinity are a little low, I just ordered some 2-part to try to rectify this.

Please help

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