mercredi 23 mars 2016

Raising clownfish fry!... 2.5 weeks

Hi everybody, it's been a while since I have been on here! A couple years ago I tried raising the fry of my clownfish. I was a little successful... out of about 200 fry I managed to get 30 to live to 5 months. I sold some of them... and then the power went out and I lost them:(
At any rate I was too sad about the loss to try again. Then the parents stopped laying, and I moved and with the tank move they started laying again in a couple months. I decided when and if they started laying I would try again so here I am. The fry are almost 3 weeks old (they will be on Friday) and so far they are doing great. I will send pic updates and videos online. I have managed to keep what I think looks like over 100 fry.. there are so many of them it is hard to count! Anyway I am a proud mom they are so adorable I hope you enjoy. Any questions just let me know. I fed live rotifers for about the first week and transitioned them onto live brine the second week and now they are eating frozen baby brine, so much easier! Thanks for looking! Will post a link and/or pics soon.

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