jeudi 24 mars 2016

Concerns of crack in glass?

Can someone please tell me what they think this is. I really dont think its a crack...its almost like some weird default. I bought it from a experienced reefer...he said that the tank didnt leak or anything. He had the tank for quite a long time. This was apparently done when he had the tank custom made.

It almost looks like some sort of machine did it. Its smooth on the inside of the glass...I cannot feel really ANY cracks with my finger is almost like when a rock hits your windsheild and leaves a divot...but not a crack and never spreads. It definitely does not go thru the other side of the glass. When I was cleaning it the once piece in the pic chipped of with the scrapper...again almost like a drill was started and then stopped or something. I filled the tank up with water and let it set for a few days...I couldnt get the water to the "area of concern" because its above the water line...thoughts?

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