mercredi 23 mars 2016

Can your fish see you? I hate this myth, the truth is here

Yes they can, quite well if you ask me. I tried to get a pic at a 45deg angle as well but the first go around i forgot to and the original bags i was using, well it took me 20min just to get my phone in the first one so when i tried the second time i just used a freezer ziplock instead and its much thicker and cut down the visibility too much so i just gave up, sorry. The one good pic i did get at a 45deg angle i could barely make out the tanks lights i was aiming at and the back door so i have a feeling the view isnt as 'mirrored' as you might think. I risked my phone for this, your welcome.

This was very hard to do lol, i have a bluetooth remote i can press to take pics, i am unhappy to report bluetooth only penetrates about 1/2in of water lol, my screen is unresponsive under water (it can detect water lol) so i used my volume buttons as the 'take picture button'

First pic is out of water with only the bag, take note of my lovely signs lol
Second pic is underwater.

If you adjust for the blur of the bag underwater id be willing to bet the view is as clear from the inside out as the outside in.

Myth busted, have a nice day!

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