jeudi 24 mars 2016

100gal Messy Tank Setup

Hi all, I'm new to TRT, as of yesterday, but I wanted to ask for a little advice for my first big aquarium. I'm planning to setup a 100+ gallon FOWLR tank in the next month. I'm going to be moving my current fish (Porcupine puffer and Jeweled moray) to this new one as soon as it's cycled. I've never set up a tank larger than 20-30 gallons myself though, and I only have the basic grasp of the things I'll need. AFAIK, I need:

Canister Filter
Tank (duh)
A good place for a 1000+lb object full of water
A reliable CUC

I've got some live rock and sand in my current setup, but I'll probably have to buy a great deal more of both. Is it possible to buy plain rock and sand and seed them somehow with this current stock? And what size filter/skimmer would be adequate? I've seen a lot of advice for normal reefs, but I'm not really trying for corals, and both of these fish are super messy. Is it worth the extra money to go for a bigger skimmer than normal, or should I trust one skimmer to clean only two fish worth of waste? And finally, since I have a moray, I'm thinking about eliminating a sump entirely, because I don't want to risk her getting out in the pipes. Is that okay for a tank this size? Lots of questions, lots of words, I'm sorry. But thanks to anyone who has any piece of advice, any experience at all would be appreciated, good or bad. Let me know if you know how big a tank is safe for a regular floor too, my biggest fear is this thing falling through the floor.

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