mercredi 30 septembre 2015

New Highfin Goby AWOL

So I added a new addition to my display tank... Highfin Goby

After about 3 hours of being gone, I came in to check on him, and he's AWOL. I sure hope he's hiding... I've looked everywhere but he's no where to be found.

Coral banded shrimp warning

In my experience, my coral banded shrimp is by far the worst purchase I have made thus far. He has been such a d**k to all my other fish and he has even gone as far as going out of his way for my fire shrimp. Now I know this is Mother Nature at work but I paid ******ing $50 for that fire shrimp just to see it get shredded up by him. He is a Pygmy gold headed coral banded. I've even started to notice that he is picking at my corals. I'm definitely getting aride of him. I'm just warning people now who have an interest in VERY cautious with what you put them in with your tank. I have been told that they can't even be in the tank with other invertebrates. They'll just mow them down aswell. So this is a warning for people who are considering buying one....they are very territorial and very moody. They only come out during night so I rarely see the a**hole anyway.
Happy "Tanking"
John :)

SW Clams. Questions on how to start tank, please help!!!!!!

Hello to all. :)

I live close to the beach and love digging for clams, just to watch them dig back in the sand. My loaded question is how do I go about taking them from beach to a tank? I've read alot about sw tanks and all the maintenance and only came across one article that talk about taking them from their natural environment, saying it was possible but time consuming. Would I start the water the same way any sw tank starts or would have to bring gallons of ocean water home? Should I just buy them instead and just go about the usual process of starting a sw tank?

Any help is great!!!! :read: :fish:

Now that my kids are self sufficient!

Hey Everyone!
Been on a little while and haven't formally introduced. Was in the "Reefer" world many moons ago but decided to have kids and well you know what happens then.. Just getting back into it again and started an In the Wall 75 gallon reef tank. Starting out with a 75 glass tank,custom refugium, PSK 150 skimmer,2 MP40 wave makers,2 Radion 30 Leds,1 Actinic Blue strips light,,Neptune Sustem(which I may never figure out),a few heaters and an Aquarium Medic Chiller,Spectra Pure ATO and an RO/DI. Any advise on what I may be missing that will benefit right away? Any Reactors or Dosers or am I pretty much ready? I will be using Indo Rock when the time comes also. I would post pics but am not sure how to do that on this forum? Thanks again for all the advice as I will be needing it. I may be that guy on the baseball team with the best looking uniform but don't know how to even catch the ball! Haha

Would anyone be interested in a blue jaw triggerfish and white cheek tang? (Oregon)

Hello all. Been a good month since I have been on the forms. Been taking a break from it as well as just being mellow with my tanks in the meantime.

Now I am starting to feel the pull of reefing again and I would like to make some changes. I have a few fish that are giving me troubles and I am wondering if anyone would be interested in them? I live in the Eugene Oregon area.

My first fish is a 4 inch blue jaw triggerfish. He is very healthy, fat, and is always active and eats like a horse. He has great personality, but his food drive is his downfall. Anything new I add he seems to try to eat anymore as he just sees everything as food. He's not aggressive, but every now and then he will bite a few fins. My clownfish and banggai will give him crap and he just tends to ignore it, mostly.

My other fish is my white cheek tang. This guy is the trouble maker. Anything I add that's over 2 inches he beats the crap out of without let up for days on end. This puts me in a pickle between him and the trigerfish. Anything too small it gets eaten, anything to big it gets beat to a pulp. He is also VERY high strung as he is always pacing and slapping the glass. He just creates this uptight energy in the tank for me and my fish, and I've decided I don't want to put up with it anymore. I want a calming tank, not a stressful one. I'm not sure if he is like this because that's just how he is or if my 120 gallon is too small. I tend to think a bit of both. He is also very healthy and fat. Eats everything except flakes or pellets.

If interested having a QT tank on hand may be good as I have had my bouts of ich in my reef, and every now and then may tang will have some spots. I would treat it myself, but I have no QT. I would hate to introduce something into anybody's tank so I thinks it's good to mention that.

I'm not going to talk price yet, as really I am just wanting to see if anyone serious is interested in them at this point. They both really need nothing smaller than a 180, with the tang probably needing bigger. The trigger should be easy to get out, but the tang, not so much. I would have to tear down my tank to get him. If no one is interested I will take them to my LFS in due time.

Oh, and I have been having issues with uploading pictures on my computer recently, but I can try if anyone is interested.

Thanks for looking.

Black white heniochus

So I bought a black and white heniochus for my 55 gallon tank and he died today as I got home from work. There was a coral beauty two clowns and a sea anemone. Do you think I just got a bad one or did the clowns drive him to death. Any clue? Thanks😓

BTA split

so ive had this BTA for over a year now, and its kinda a jerk. the tips have never bubbled, it hangs upside down in my rock work, and has at least trippled in size. but my clown fish love it. this BTA mkes sure it is in the very middle of my tank but opens towards the back wall. recently it moved more towards the front so i had to move some coral so they would not die.

this morning i look at my tank and noticed it was in another spot, hanging from a ledge, then upon closer inspection i realized that was a new one and the other is in the same space except facing the back of my tank again.

im not loooking forward to having 2 BTAs in my tank especially on my ledges, hope it more to a place i like better by the time i get home.

Find Your Angel

Find Your Angel

Euroquatics advanced reef LED lights let you turn your tank into a work of art at the touch of a button. It's that easy.

Plug and play right out of the box, or customize with mix-and-match lenses and mounting systems to suit your particular tank shape, size and location.

Creating a reef lighting system that matches your unique personal aesthetic is as easy as can be.

Kessil lighting question

I am about to start setting up a 40 gallon corner tank. Basic reef tank, some corals and fish. Not going for anything specific.

I have been out of the hobby for about 8 years, and alot has changed obviously. My T5's I'm being told are old news. I have been advised to look into Kessil LEDs. The pendants I am seeing seem to only be one light, without a day and night change.

Basically fill me in on this please. What am I missing?

Wet Wednesday

Good morning friends...HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Looks like a wet one the rest of the week, starting today a off and on showers. Pop tarts and instant breakfast to get us rolling. Hey George.....tryed to deliver cake but no one was home? Tryed to post pics of the camel again good on posting pics any more? Sooooo, there's these 2 camels talking to eachother with a big dark cloud hanging over them, and one looks up and says, 'This can't be a good thing.'. Best I can do today. Have a great on all,

mardi 29 septembre 2015

Cycling Question

Hello i have a question regarding cycling the tank, does cycling it mean waiting for those ammonia spikes and keep on testing the water until everything is 0? Also i am planning to purchase dry rock and can this dry rock cycle the tank and if so how much longer will the time take. Also once i put the dry rock in do i have to do anything for it to turn live or do i just leave it there?

Thanks Much Help Appreciated

Rust!! Help!!

Okay I just set up my 40 gallon tank and I JUST filled it with water. I have a metal stand and it looks so different from my wooden stand I was beginning to wonder if these are even safe. I did some reading and saw that people talk about rust being a problem. CRAP!!!! It isn't covered, but there definitely is a thin bit of rust here and there. The tank is filled and ready to go can I protect it against further rust somehow??? Is it all going to collapse??

Tap for initial FOWLR fill up

I was wondering if it would be really not worth it to cycle and initially fill up my tank with tap, then top off and change using distilled water. I get it all the time at the grocery store and it would be much easier to ONLY do the fill up and cycling with tapwater. I plan on doing fish only with cured liverock in my system.

Advice for new 40 gallon

First tank in 8 years. Here is what I have so far.

40 gallon corner tank
29 gallon from previous setup
800 gph powerhead
100w heater
timers for lights

Is it best that I use the 29 for a sump, or is there a better option for this. Basically, give me an equipment list of what else I should get before I set this up. Some have said use a sump, some swear against it.

Consider me a newbie in this. And go!

Thanks in advance!

Vodka dosing

Hey guys I just have a few questions about Vodka dosing, I hear its a great way to keep tank nitrates low and an efficient way to ensure water quality stays good if over feeding. What I wanted to know was can I start vodka dosing if all I have is a protein skimmer? Do I need to be running something other than the protein skimmer to ensure the quality of the water? Also, I have 90gal system 75+20 gal sump. How would I go about dosing this tank?

Any information is helpful, thanks!

white stringy stuff?

I'm in need of some help. I have been battling green hair algae for about a year now on and off recently I did a 30 gallon water change on my 100 gallon system and I dosed the recommended dose of purple up which is something I'm doing new to my tank.3 days after my water change my tank has white snot looking stuff all over It. And all my GHA is dead. My filter socks were gunked up with the snot within a day. I am curious to whats going on.

I have a 90 gallon with mostly lps, 7 small fish and a few shrimp. I do use a skimmer, have been running charcoal for about 8 months, use ro di for top offs and the same salt from the same batch iv used for the last month or so.

New member - Old Salty

Hello all. I am returning to the hobby after an 18 year absence. I had a 100 gallon DT with reverse flow UGF, a diatomaceous earth canister filter and a tipping bucket algae scrubber. Just fish and a few inverts. My how things have changed.

120G custom rimless and stand complete setup

I am moving into a smaller place and will not be able to take this setup with me. The aquarium, stand and light were all custom built and have been in use for 3 years.
The Aquarium was built by and has three sides of low iron glass for maximum visibility. The dimensions for the tank itself are 48" x 24" x 23"
The stand was custom built locally and is in the traditional ADA style. Cabinet dimensions are 48" x 24" x 23". There are spaces for filter tubing to run through the side walls of the cabinet as well as wires to go through the back paneling.
The light was designed by myself and built by catalina aquarium in California. The light consists of 4 T5 bulbs. A strip of 10K Led lights and 3 sections of white LED moon lights. Each type of light is controlled by its own switch

I am willing to sell as a package or separately.
Asking $1500 for the tank and stand
Light $450

Please let me know if you are interested in any of the other equipment for this tank as I need to sell all. ie: C02 equipment, filters, light rack...

Tank is available in Tenafly NJ and available for pickup only.

I am sure I missed some info so please let me know if there are any questions.

**having trouble uploading images. please pm for pics

Fishless cycle - pH drop?

Hey guys - seems like more people check out this part of the forum than the Tank Specs part so I'll post my questions here and link to my tank spec thread so you can see my set up.

My fishless cycle with dead shrimp has been going for 9 days now, and my test results are throwing me off and causing me to worry a little.

I've been testing every other day and the highest ammonia reading I've gotten was 0.5ppm on Day 5. Yesterday (Day 8), it read 0.25ppm and today it read between 0 and 0.25ppm. Nitrites and nitrates have both been consistently at 0ppm.

I wasn't terribly concerned about the lack of ammonia spike thus far, but noticed that there was a pretty significant pH drop between yesterday and today. The pH started at 8.14 on Day 1 and consistently rose daily up to 8.19 yesterday. After checking this morning, the pH dropped to 7.86.

Temp has been pretty steady around 80.5*. Salinity at a steady 1.026 SG.

Shrimp hasn't completely dissolved yet. Kind of just a couple of amorphous blobs right now. I have noticed that there is sort of a white/off-white/gray powdery coating on the bottom of the tank and other surfaces (thought it was rock dust at first but it's definitely multiplying).

Skimmer is not running, lights are not on, and haven't done any water changes so far. I'm concerned that the cycle is stalling. Any thoughts, advice, others that went through this? I'm all about being patient with the cycle but just want to be sure it's heading in the right direction too. Thanks and cheers! :beer:

Mandarins: how many tisbe cultures is too many for a nano?

So im in the process of rescaping and new sandbed goin into 20gal long reef tank. I think its time i went for the challenge of a mandarin.

Now my plan is to spoil this thing, like a chubby kid in the icecream section of costco.

I want to start culturing tisbe copepods in 2liter bottles. How many cultures is too many for this guy? I know nanos should be seeded regularly since he'll make short work out of a culture in no time. I also have a baby six line so competition will be there.

The reason i ask is i dont want to be adding more copepods than necessary, and letting them die and rot etc..

Thanks guys! And quick little post question vote, green, red, or physcadellic(spotted) morph? Which do you guys like best and is there a behavioral difference between the 3?

Thinking of setting up a Frogfish Tank

Hi there

I was just asking about what i would need to setup a frogfish tank for relatively low cost.
What size tank do i need. i know i need a lot of rock as they like places to hide. What do i feed them. I live in the uk so does anyone know a site where i can buy one. Just need to know what i need Thanks a lot .

Introducing the AI Hydra HD Series LED Lights

No longer are you limited to using a fixed amount of power per color channel, the HD dynamically adjusts power available to each color, borrowing power from the colors you’re not utilizing. Giving you the most vivid spectrum your tank has ever seen and spectrums never before possible. The HD also includes built in Ai-Fi WiFi control of each light, eliminating the need for additional equipment or third party controllers.

Aqua Illumination Hydra TwentySix HD LED Fixture
Shipping to retailers 10/5/15

Aqua Illumination Hydra FiftyTwo HD LED Fixture
Shipping to retailers 9/28/15

Hydra TwentySix HD in black

Hydra FiftyTwo HD in black


Hi, I'm new in this page :) and I'm wondering if it is necessary to have a skimmer in your saltwater tank? and if you don't use a skimmer what are the alternatives?

I have a 100g(130*50*70) tank empty and I want to make it a saltwater tank so I need all the help I can get, like basic info please :) thanks

Seachem paraguard

I believe my clownfish have some sort of parasite. Has anyone used paraguard in a tank with soft corals or hammer corals? Also snails and emerald crabs? How do they react? Or should I just quarantine?

I done goofed. Skimmer going nuts.

Hey gang,

My buddy's moving out of town, so he shut down his tank and added five fish to my tank. All pretty small, 300g total volume, should be okay even though that's a lot. Still, I thought I'd try to reduce stress a little bit and help the fish out so I added Stress Zyme to the water.

I heard something funny from the sump, and looked underneath. Turns out my skimmer decided to have a little foam party. I quickly drained what was still in the skimmer to get that waste out of there, and since then I've left it running but just took the plug out so it's flowing straight back into the sump.

I did a 25g water change. It has been almost 48 hours, and the skimmer is still going pretty wild, bubbling over.

Any advice? Anyone done this?

As far as I can tell, here are my options:

1. Don't do anything, let it works its way out. Filter socks, bioballs, and carbon will have to be enough filtration for now.

2. Lots and lots of water changes. Honestly that takes forever and gets really expensive. I'd rather not, but it's not the end of the world.

3. Panic. Shut down the tank. Sit on the floor of my shower with the water running over my head and sob.

Any other thoughts?

Equipment advice needed

So I had a reef tank many years ago, a 29 gallon. I was told it would be difficult, and it was, but I managed to have a beautiful tank! Through a divorce it was broken down and put away.

I am now ready to put another one together in our billiards room downstairs. I have opted with a 40 gallon corner tank. (1/4 cylinder) Now I need advice on what to get to do it right. I have the old equipment, but I think I want to do it better this time. Previously was just a standard filter and a hang-on protein skimmer.

So far I have purchased the tank and stand, a new 100w heater, and an 800 gph power head. I am using my previous (buying new bulbs of course) Corallife T5 lights (unless someone has a better suggestion).

Now is where I say GO! Any and all suggestions are appreciated! Even with past experience, consider me a rookie in this thread! :freak:

Happy birthday to Loverotties on 9/29!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......


Turning point Tuesday

Good morning folks, and .....HAPPY TUESDAY! Looks like our weather around these parts is a changing....chance of showers today, and looks like the rest of the week-RAIN. Big potential impact of work week if we get a soaker.....may have more time to play on here. Plenty of pop tarts and coffee for the on the goers. Hope all are well,

greetings everyone!

First let me say that i'm pretty excited about being a member, and hope to learn as much from you experienced members as I can to help better my fish keeping experiences.

A little about me: I'm a 40 yr old retired disabled veteran living in the Dallas, Tx area since 2010. Married with 3 daughters, 2 dogs and more hobbies than my wife would probably like!

My tanks and experience: I've kept aquariums almost all of my adult life stemming back to about 1997. Most of my experience has been freshwater tanks and i've had several setups with varied livestock from african cichlids to red belly and black piranha. over the past 5 or 6 yrs i've had multiple tanks 135g fw, 72g bowfront fw, 16g biorb fw, 55g fw, 10g nano sw, and 240g sw fowlr. I've recently downsized a bit so now I only have the biorb and my 240g. I've learned a lot about sw but not enough to say i'm anything more than a novice at best. i've had some good runs with livestock and some bad ones ending in loss of my stock..

What i'm looking to learn: great aquarium habits, feeding habits, equipment improvements, pretty much anything to keep my tank healthy and beautiful... its currently serviced once a month by a professional but its definitely not enough so I need to get in the habit of doing more maintenance on my own in between services..

I look forward to exchanging information with you all as well as learning from you and thank you for having me!

Help needed


About an hours ago I accidently added 5Litres of untreated tap water to my 120L reef aquarium.

Once added straight away I realised what I had done and quickly searched for some tap water conditioner or Prime or anything but I had run out (I normally use RO).

I raced to the shops and bought some tap water conditioner and 40 Litres of salt water.

I have done a 40L water change and added tap water conditioner.
Should I run the skimmer or NOT, will it remove the tap water conditioner. I have turned on my Fluval 306 filter which is full of sponges and foams to increase flow

All fish are alive but Corals have all receeded badly (2x Gonis, 1x Elegance, 1x Scolli and 2 leathers and an anemone).

Will things be ok.??? Thanks

Trouble uploading pictures.


I've tried to upload some pictures to both the main galler and my photo album, but it just say invalid picture or no image to display.

Anyone with the same probleme? It's the same size as my other uploaded images, and i also took some smaller sized but same probleme there.


lundi 28 septembre 2015


Dear All

Are the UV is important for Marine fish.

Best Regards.

Fish Death

Dear All
The Salt fish in my aquarium is death one by one. I am check the Ammonia, PH, Nitrate, and Nitrite every thing is OK. Salt salinity around 1.025. also I am change 25% water weekly. can any body till me why this case is happen.

Best Regards.

Emperor Angel 90g

I currently have a 90g reef tank stocked with the following:

2 ocellerous clowns
2 fire fish
1 banded goby
1 pajama cardinal
1 matted file fish
1 melanurus wrasse
1 Bird Wrass

My dream fish would be an emporer angel..... Would it be ok to add one to my tank? live aquaria reccomends a tank of at least 220 gallons.... I see all that time at LFS and on the internet these fish being kept in much smaller tanks....looking for some insight here



I used to be registered under the name of ArowanaLover1902. I couldn't remember my password or old email so this new account is fine. A lot has changed. I got rid of the old 25gallon aquarium a while back after going through some big problems with it (which i recently discovered were due to my well water quality, something i fixed with an RO/DI system. I got out of reefs for a while after that, I've been doing freshwater for a while now (7 years) and only got my new saltwater aquarium past its cycling stage about a month ago. Its been going great, I've had only minor problems so far (a turbo snail that died on arrival and someone ate some hermit crabs {think it was the hermit crabs, also think i fixed that problem}) This new tank is a 55 gallon reef with a multimedia reactor with seagel, two powerheads, and a fluval 306 canister filter (I'm going to add a refugium sump soon). The stocking is still small, 5 hermit crabs, 3 turbo snails, 1 false percula, 1 emerald crab, 1 scooter blenny, 1 zoanthid, and my absolute favorite, my arrow crab. Actually measured, pH, no2, no3, calcium, phosphate, and kH last night and everything was absolutely perfect (that made me happy). One other thing about me is i have a pet cockatiel named Nigel. Thats really it, thanks for having me here.

LED Light help

my tank is a 60 gallon (48 long, 13 wide, 25 high) and i was thinking of getting the orbit marine pro. will that work and support most corals? appreciate the helP!! thanks:cool::cool:


I bought two black clownfish two days ago. They looked great this morning and I came home tonight to both of them having raised pimply like bumps just on their heads. They are swimming around more today than ever but have yet to eat. They look like they want to eat but never go through with it. Could they have ventured into my anemone and been stung causing white bumps? I've searched and can't find a disease that matches this considering they aren't breathing heavy and such.

Too much flow?

Thanks in advance for replies. Anyways, I was just wondering if this is too much or too little flow on my Torch, Hammer, and Lemon Tree Coral?
Happy "Tanking"
John :)

Blue Hippo Tang

I recently got a blue hippo tang. I just noticed this white spot on his side. The tang is not lethargic, swims around a bunch and acts normal. Looks like a piece of fuzz on him and I can't catch him so can't see if it comes off. Any suggestions?

aquarium safe silicone??

Coudent find aquarium safe loctite bought this looks like ge1 but no idea did they change packaging ?

2015 c-sea frag swap - cle, oh

2015 C-SEA Frag Swap!

Saturday October 10, 2015 11:00 AM

American Legion Hall - Clifton Post
22001 Brookpark Road
Fairview Park, OH 44126

General Admission Entry Fee - $5.00 - Children 12 and under are free.
We will have plenty of tables available on the day of the swap for general admission participants. These tables do not have access to electricity, nor will you be able to set-up a tank/system. If either of these are needed, please sign up for an early bird table.

Early Bird Special - $30.00 for C-Sea Members | $40.00 for Non C-Sea members
Early birds will be provided 4 feet of table space and access to electricity. The spots are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Set up will open at 8:00 am. day of the swap. Any set-ups deemed unsafe will be removed. Early Bird Participants will be able to use T5's, VHO's, LED's or PC.....NO metal halides please.

Those that wish to preregister as an “Early Bird Special ” hobbyist must send payment prior to the swap. Payments can be made via PayPal:

Or by check/money order (please e-mail Ron Ashworth | for an address to mail payment). Also, please note on the payment what it is subject to.


If your not a CSEA member sign up now and take advantage of the discounted pricing!!

Vendors Admission - $80.00
This includes an 8 foot table space, and $60 for each additional table. Vendors are also required to make a minimum donation to the raffle ($50 retail value minimum). Doors will open at 8:00 am day of the swap for set-up. Vendor spots are sold on a first come first serve basis.

Vendors will be able to setup on Friday the 9th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

Please use the links below to pay for the amount of table space you are looking for. Please also put your Vendor name in the Notes so we can make sure we have payment for the right vendor:

For information on participating as a vendor, please email Ron Ashworth |

Please Note: The event was sold out months before in previous years for Vendor and Early Birds. Do not hold off on registering if you plan to attend as a Vendor or Early bird. We have totally maximized the space at this venue, and can not add any more space once we are sold out.

Please note C-Sea will also be using ReefTrader as their trading application it can be found here!

AI price drops, ATO reservoirs, Koralia G3 + 10% off food!

AI price drops, ATO reservoirs, Koralia G3 + 10% off food!

Check out the latest from Hydor, pick up an automated fish feeder, stock up on fish food or cop a stylish ATO reservoir to match your sump!

CORRECTION: The Cobalt Aquatics Brine Flakes listed below are actually on sale from $6.29.

led lights

Ok Reefers and update on my never ending question about lighting.
I have an LED Bar it is a Kona Sun Extreme that has
20000 lumens
16 white
6 Blue
2 UV ratio
3x24 or 72 watts
Runs off a 24 volt transformer
Looking to do mixture soft some hard and fish. What's your thoughts on this LED Bar and if I will need to supplement by adding another or a mixture of other types??

Am I off to a good start?

Hey everyone,

My name is Dave and I'm a Reefaholic. I'm new at this and afraid I'm going overboard on my tank.

This is what I have so far.

125 Aqueon reef ready tank with glass tops
Marineland Monterey cabinet and canopy
Custom built Emereld39 sump -
Dimensions 36x15x16, Skimmer: 10.5" x 14.5" Refugium:11" x 14.5" Return: 6" x 14.5"
Apex Controller
150lbs of dry rock
2 - Zetlight 6600A Led lights
(Did I make a mistake here by not buying 3 Zetlight 6500A lights instead?)

On the buying block
2-Maxspect Gyre XF150
2-Icecap Maxspect Gyre 150 interface module

I'm still on the fence on what size protein skimmer I should buy. It's going to be a Bubble Magus 7 or 9 both will have a sicce pump, also what size return pump to buy and type of sand. I have read a ton of threads on sand, pumps and protein skimmers and I still need help on what to buy.

Thank You for reading my post
Dave the Reefaholic

Happy birthday to cvolkers on 9/28!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.....


Welcome to *ONDAY!

Good *orning TRT friends....HAPPY *ONDAY! Busy day yesterday having a ball....GOLF BALL! Found a *initure golf place....oooooooo, The Hack's have a new favorite pass time!:blob: Then a great *ovie...'Guardians of the galaxy', and a LUNAR ECLIPSE that the skys cleared for perfectly! Very cool day. Back to instant breakfast and pop-tarts for our coffee as we're back to reality...have a great one everyone,


Dear All.
I have salt fish without any coral. The temperature around 27 C. I need in this case chiller or not
Best Regards.

Fish Death one by one

Dear All
I have JUWEL 180 Litter and most of fish death suddenly one by one. Are the ammonia kill the fish.

Best Regards.

dimanche 27 septembre 2015

Coral reef question

Hello everyone sorry for all the questions but I am new to reef keeping, I have my tank for a few months now it's a fluval edge 12 with 7 pounds of live rock recently I purchased a Duncan coral and star polyp they both opened within the hour I put them in. My question is I change 2.2 gallons every 3 days is that too often? So I do 4.4 gallons (1 box of nutri sea water) every week. Should I keep the regimen or lower it? Thanks for the advice

Aquascaping ideas, whats your favorite?(and why)

Its time for a new scaping before i introduce a new aragonite sandbed. my tank is 20gallon long lps dominated, 2 small clowns 1 six line wrasse.

What aquascapes have been most successful from your experience, and what scapes were a ticking timebomb for you if ever encountered. Tell me some stories you have, the good and the bad, about aquascaping. Any tips or tricks? Was your final decision based on aesthetics more or functionality and utility?

I have about 30lb of purple reef rock to work with, big and small sizes, but also have a 10g sump that i could stash the extra in.
Thanks again everyone, pics welcome if you got em :)

mushroom id

Could someone is this mushroom

Maxspect Gyre

While attending MACNA 2015, we got a chance to see how these 'gyre-generator' pumps work. There were 2 model 180's; one on each end of a 6' tank that were programmed to make an anenome on the bottom middle wave nearly 90 degrees.
Impressive for sure. They had a larger unit - twice that size that also is in beta.
The 130 & 150 models are available.
I just received 2 of the 150's. Wow! Do they ever move water.

So is anyone using one or more of these gyers?

There's a lot to them...programmable to pulse, wave, reverse flow, feed mode....lots of adjustments.

There are even stronger magnets avail able for tanks 1 1/4" thick.

I'm very happy with this purchase.


led lights

Who has any experience with the Kona Sun LED 72watt Led light bars? Reviews on them at all???

New six line being shy

Hey guys,
I have just recently added to the tank a six line wrasse. I don't know if I should be worried about this but he is acting rather shy. When anyone approaches the tank(ex. feeding) he hides in the live rock. Just to give you the tank specs, it is a 75 gallon with 85lbs of live rock. Protein skimmer is an ASM G-2 series and the tankmates are 3 fire gobies, a midas blenny, and a yellowtail blue damselfish. I feed my tank with frozen brine shrimp and Hatchery Diet. Should I be concerned about this or will he adapt eventually?

Sea anemone

So I've recently purchased a sea anemone and today day two, he has shrunken to 1/5 his size. All the articals I've read have just said he is hungry or is "pooing", but it doesn't look like that. Is he dying or just what the arrival said. I'll put a picture below

My 600 gallon reef tank

this tank is a little over 6 months old

Stocking list for 40 gallon FOWLR

So I'm starting a 40 gallon FOWLR and I definitely want to keep things on the pres side. Filtration will be good with lots of LR, a canister filter and a big skimmer.

I plan to keep

- dwarf lionfish
- snowflake eel
- Maroon clownfish
- MAYBE an angler or scorpion

Brittle Star hitchhiker

Hey, I'm new to this forum just to start off.
Now to get to the real reason I am writing this. I have noticed yesterday that while looking at my live rock I saw some black and white little bristly tentacles poking out. I had no knowledge of this so at first I freaked out. My mind went straight to a fire worm or something that would be hazardous to the tank. Anyways, after some research I found out that it was brittle star (very relieved). Anywho, my question is, do they every come out of the holes in the live rock? Like scoot around the substrate or climb the glass of the tank? I have not seen mine move. All he does is move his arms around collect food I assume. Thanks in advance :)


Hello all

Finally after a couple of months of browsing the more than informative plethora of information on here i finally saw the intro section.

I guess ill go first, my name is scott, I am a salt addict.

No but seriously i started my nano 20 long dt/ 10gal sump system about 7 months ago. 2 24" H.O. Ati bulbs (blue plus/ purple plus). 65g skimmer, carbon, purigen, poly filter in sump (no reactors :'( ...yet). Rio 1100 return (270 gph), one koralia 425 (695gph) lps dominated tank.. For the moment bare bottom. 2 ocelaris clownfish and one six line wrasse.

Acans, blastos, shrooms, zoas, hammer, gsp, and some favites on the tank atm, one rose bubble anemone

Well thats my little how ya doin. Thanks everyone for posting and replying on this site, my tank wouldnt be half of what it is without this forum.

Wow! Have things changed!

Greetings everybody! I've been lurking a few days and am very pleased with what I read in this forum. I'm not much of a forum person since the usenet days. But I will try to be active in this one.

My name is Carlos, and I currently hail from Lowell, Mass.

I started a mini reef once apon a time in 1991. I was going through a divorce, and wanted to have some diversion as well as provide something interesting and some opportunistic learning for my 2 year old daughter.

The original plan was for a temperate tank with lot's of LOCAL invertibrates and maybe some fish. New England has some of the most interesting ocean in the world. Cape Anne is particularly fascinating as a study subject. I thought a cubic aquarium would be best to minimize surface area to mass ratio. (it has to be kept COLD in order to house these local monsters) The $500 price tag for such an aquarium (back then) compared to $50 for a 55 gal tank - add another $100 and you have a nice stand as well. This proved too tempting to pass up. I bought the 55 gal tank and stand.

I dived folley cove, back beach, wingarsheek and a few other places to get some mental notes on what to use for a base population. I had hoped my daughter could collect some tidal pool samples, maybe a little snorkeling sampling, and put them in the tank temporarily. It's interesting how microeconomics, space and time constraints can effect ones plans.

The first calculations were to determine what kind of thermal pump was needed to keep this tank at 55F or so in a 75F room - with all that serious surface area to the tank. Holy Moly!!! I won't go into the details (unless one of you really wants me to) but I initially came out with a figure of around 7500 BTU's per hour (with a safety factor for when the room gets to over 100F for a long weekend). Can you imagine what that kind of chiller cost in 91/92? -- Back to the pet store -- while pricing coolers, and realizing with horror, these coolers are not throttleable. It's either all on, or all off. Pulsing them for a PID effect would destroy their motors. Incredibly foul language seemed to be all I could think for a while..

I noticed the few lovely miniature reef aquaria they had. Blankly stared at them for a little while. Ideas began to coalesce into plans. after about three hours of observing these tanks, I bought a few books, went to some book stores, bought other books, and began a holy grail quality quest to get a tank up and running. The adventure begins!

I started with reef crystal mixed water, 10 lbs of live rock, and 6 blue damsels. A hang on the back wet/dry filter, and a 20 gal hospital tank filled with local sea water, rock, and it's own wet/dry filter. Dolomite about three inches deep in the main, local sand in the hospital tank. Hospital tank "cycled" almost instantly. The main tank took more than a month. I had to find out why - The filters used had different bacteria colonies! Also, the hospital tank had an incredibly rich invertebrate population. The main tank - almost none. Remember, the hospital tank which was not being chilled, was about 30F warmer than local conditions. Didn't seem to matter to the creature, diatom, or algea populations.

Over the next ten years, lot's of experimentation, and a bit of a learning curve, I had kept a very nice, maybe over densely populated artificial reef going with growing corals, and happily reproducing fish and invertibrates. The tank required pruning twice or so a year. I had to move twice during that time, and the tank was moved maybe 5 times without serious mishap. Note: sea apples do NOT like being moved!! keep them separate, and do NOT reuse the water they were in - they poison it under stress!

At the end, I was using Metal Halide lighting, a protein skimmer I designed and built, the hang on filters became refusiums, and after about three years, the denitrifying plenum under the dolomite was FINALLY self feeding. (detritus from the tank, and the creatures that move about under the floor were effectively feeding the denitrifying bacteria without introducing too much O2.) The tank operated this way for almost 6 years. Testing and dosing occurred monthly. My tank would not have survived without testing, and a good microscope to monitor the various microscopic creatures.

The total costs were not bad -- the tank and hardware cost maybe under a thousand. Creatures/rock, Testing, and reagents over that whole period cost much more.

The tank system was given to someone when I moved in 2000.

A friend recently gifted me a 90 gal (18X48 base) reef ready tank. I'm not sure if it was a punishment, or a reward - I'm on this forum now, so you (pl) probably figured out that Reefer madness might be taking hold.

I haven't built a stand yet, nor have I decided whether or not to plug up the two bulkhead holes yet. It's not "analyses paralyses" - I'm carefully weighing out the advantages. I'm leaning towards pluggin them up, and using a wide overflow for the thinnest stream possible. Hopefully this forum will help me arrive at the best solution.

While I build a stand, filter, and skimmer, my first purchase will be a RO/DI. It would be awesome if I had a multi purpose one - for drinking water as well as tank water.


Ecoxotic LED system for retrofit 29g Biocube

For sale - Ecoxotic LED lighting. I am taking the lid off my 29g Biocube and switching lighting so I am selling my upgraded retrofit lighting.
Comes with Panorama Pro 8k white /w reflector, Panorama Pro Magenta/Blue /w reflector, 8k white stunner, 453nm blue stunner, UV stunner, LED programmable controller, all cables, transformers, etc needed to run them all. $200.

I can't attach pictures for some reason here so if you need them I'm happy to email you them

Help. Want a bigger tank !!!!

Hi guys, I really need some help, I have a 130 litre tank, and I really want a regal tang, badly, but I know this is to small for the tang, i am going to upgrade soon to maybe a 400litre tank and want to know if it's better to buy the tang now and place in tank I have now, deal with the ich problem with the tang then place in bigger tank when I set it up in month or so,?
I have been reefing for 5 years and love it so I'm not new to it all


Bumblebee Goby not eating

I moved my BB Goby into a ten gallon cycled tank with opeas yesterday. She is not eating. All she eats are frozen bloodworms and she is not interested. I tried to garlic her worm sand she did not like that either.

Help please and thank you.

Skimmer bubble line fluctuating significantly and cyclically, problem??

My skimmers "bubble line" has been fluctuating almost on a cycle of about 10 seconds 80% up the neck of collection cup, then it will drop to about 20% for about another 10 seconds, then within 3-4 seconds will climb back to 80% and hang out there for another 10. Does this mean that the pump has to he cleaned? Im not sure if its blocked since it stays to its cycle, its a coralife super skimmer 65 with venturi air line, hanging on back of my sump

samedi 26 septembre 2015

Standout Sunday

Morning everyone. Just left the hangout across the street and my help flew in. Got help in droves no questions asked. It is good to work at a company like mine. We are going to catch up early today, then bang out a project in this ensuing week that has been called impossible by many.

Got trips to Vegas and San Diego to see my grandkids planned. Right now the focus is on one huge machine. Things seem balanced finally.

Sorry to drag work into this thread, but that is my life at times. I get compensated well and chose this.

Got coffee on, and hope the rest of you have a much more relaxing day planned. Enjoy your Sunday.


Hello, I`m new to The Reef Tank but I would like to start a new thread of clownfish and anemones. This can be questions on your clownfish and anemones or you can just tell us about you clownfish and anemones. I am very exited to hear from all of you!!!!

30g too heavy for second floor?

Hello everyone!

I'm planning on starting a new tank and I got a sweet 30 gallon with stand, lights, and a canister filter for free from a buddy and I'm doing a leak check tonight. If all goes well I wanted to keep it in my room right by the wall. Is this too heavy to be on the second floor of my house? I will only be doing HOB filtration so no sump. I wanna know if this will crash through my floor or not :P

-Thank you so much!

The history of our reef tanks...Part ll

O.K. folks, in honor of Halloween, and the fun you all had with Helen's last thread with the 'on-going-story' of the history of reef keeping, anyone up for round 2? Same rules, have fun, and just run with it whatever way it may the ancient planks gave up their last breathe in their struggle against the raging, angry sea, one forgotten piece of the once proud and strong gunwale broke free from the death hold of the tempest and flew ashore, bounced from on wave crest to the next. The deafening sound of the pounding surf muffled it's arrival on the fog shrouded beach to all but the gnarled weather beaten sailor it narrowly missed, as he huddled against the chill of the dampness in a pile of sea weed..... Have fun folks,

Downsizing question

Hey. I'm thinking about down sizing from a 40 gallon to a 29 gallon bio cube. I only have 1 fish currently. A clarkii clown who is about 4-4 1-2 inches. Obviously I wouldn't bring over all of the rock but anyone see why the fish would have any issues with this? Also anyone have any reviews or comments about the biocube? And can you convert it to a full led tank? I know it uses cf's and leds stock. Thanks for the advice!

Shark Head Gobies - 1 dead 1 disappeared. ; Why/How?


I am new to this forum and relatively new to slat water tanking. I started a nano tank 29 gallons. My inhabitants include(d):

2- Shark head Gobies
2- Peppermint cleaner shrimp
3- Clownfish
1- Damsel
1- Emerald Crab
1- Firetail Gobi
8- Live Rock
2- Brush Algae

I am pretty sure one of the peppermint got sucked up into my power head overnight...I haven't seen him in two or three weeks. The other one has been doing great and is not harassed.

The reason for this post though is I had to go away for a 24 hour period abruptly. When I left the water levels were great, the fish hadn't been bothering each other, the shark head gobi's were just chilling. I fed them quite a bit of frozen food that morning and put in some pellets they eat over time and not immediately (I don't know why they do that, it just happens that way).

When I came back, I found the smaller of the two shark head gobi's dead, body reduced to what looked like a tadpole with only a black strand connected to a sort of black head. The other bigger Gobi has not turned up since.

Is there anything in my tank that would kill/eat Shark Head Gobi's? The Damsel, clownfish and shark head gobi's all came out of the same tank from purchase. I have heard damsel's can be a pain in the butt, but I want to think he didn't murder anything that he came out of the same tank from. Water levels are still great, fish are still eating, and I couldn't find the bigger shark head anywhere. I did turn up the rocks and such to make sure he wasn't buried under any of them and could not find him. I find it weird part of the smaller shark head would be left hanging around my live rock but nothing of the bigger one seems to exist.

I wanted to see if I could get any answers. The smaller Gobi was the baby of the tank and I am a bit depressed that he is gone. I didn't want to replace them if more fish will just die :(

Thank you in advance!

Bumblebee Goby Help please

Can my bumblee goby be acclimated from brackish 1.018 to saltwater 1.025?


7" French Angel for sale Philadelphia

Bought for $250, looking for $175.
Healthy, too big for my 90gal

93 Gallon Frameless Cube Build / Sump Room Build

Hi all so my wife and I just purchased a house about 2 months ago and the house is finally at the point where I can get back in to reefing.

You don't realize how much furniture you need to buy when you go from a 1 bedroom apartment to a 4 bedroom house. So now that we purchased all the furniture my wife wanted for the house I can build my sump room and get a new tank up.

So a quick background story. My wife and I were in a 1 bedroom apartment and our lease was up so instead of signing a new lease we decided to buy a house and moved in with her parents until we purchased.

I had everything housed in a 120 Gallon aquarium which I had to tear down because we had no room in her parents house. Well I sold most my coral to my local reef store, and the stuff I wanted to keep my buddy is holding on to in his reef tank (for going on 10 months).

My parents are holding on to our 75 Gallon turtle tank. Since the turtles out grew the 75 gallon they are going into my 120, and I'm going to buy a new tank. The biggest I could get for the spot it's going is the 93 gallon cube. So I have a few questions.

Here is my old build when I upgraded to the 120:

Here is a list of what I have from the 120, a list of what I need and a list of what I'm debating on. Any help from anyone who did a sump room in a basement would be appreciated. I'll keep this up to date as I'm going. I plan on starting in about 1 to 2 weeks.

93 Gallon Cube Aquarium Build

Equipment I have

  1. 93 Gallon Frame-less Cube
  2. 93 Gallon Stand
  3. Diablo 200XS Protein Skimmer
  4. 75 Gallon Sump
  5. 2 x 300 Watt Heaters
  6. 1 GFO Reactor
  7. 1 Carbon Reactor
  8. 2 x 24” Rapid LED Lighting
  9. Reef Angel Controller
  10. Titanium Grounding Probe
  11. 30 Gallon long premade salt water
  12. Ehiem 5000 pump (not sure what to do with this)
  13. 4 circulation pumps (all different sizes)
  14. Automatic top off switches
  15. Filter sock holders
  16. Filter socks

Equipment I need

  1. RO/DI system ( mine didn't survive the move, in PODS unit and remaining water froze and cracked the bottom of each container )
  2. 30 Gallon long for premade RO/DI water
  3. External pump ( need recommendations 10ft ceilings )
  4. Lots of PVC

Equipment I'm not sure about

  1. Inductor Cone /Settling tank (what size should I get? 15 or 30 gallon)
  2. Refugium

Christmas Tree Wrasse doesn't come out EVER!!

So I just got one week ago today. My favorite fish! Super stoked to finally have one.

Problem is...he has shown his face 2 brief times over the last week. He's built a little cave under a rock and doesn't come out. He's come out during feeding 2x so far.

Should I be concerned?

He's not dead...just did a nitrates test at 0ppm.


Best way to remove detritus but not time for water change.

I recently replaced a huge volume of water on my 20 gallon lps reef. Siphoned out the sandbed to go BB for awhile, the problem is that there is still trace amounts of sand that have lots of detritus building on it. Should i siphon it out into my sump filter sock to create a continuous "mechanical filter" or just siphon it out fully and do another small wc?

hard corals

So I am starting a 75 gallon reef and was going to start with only soft and fish.
I have a PSK 150 skimmer,custom made refuge,MP40,1-LED light 48", the obvious stuff heaters,Aqua Medic chiller,RO unit ATO,power heads...What other equipment would i need out of the gate for also hard coral. I am a guy who likes toys so if ya'll recommend something that would benefit right from jump street I will be buying it and learning how to use it haha.

Stressed out Saturday

Morning everyone.

TRTI and a little overwhelmed by my current project. We are trying to do the impossible, which is usually manageable. I am overwhelmed by other requests to prop up other departments. Sent a request to my bosses to get help so we can focus on the goal. This involves massive amounts of work.

Hopefully my managers have some sort of cloaking device to deploy. Little HR mess as well, and I did not know how to handle it.

Enjoy your Saturday. Got another guy flying in today who is a Finance major but a total computer wizard. He is going to dive in with me Sunday.

vendredi 25 septembre 2015

Best RO/DI filter for nanos?

i run a 30 gallon system. Hauling buckets to lfs is getting annoying, what the best RO/DI system that has a lower gpd. Does gpd affect filter life? I also have limited space, is its possible to get one that i can hookup real quick to faucet and then put away when im not using?

Price really isnt an option i just want something with easy replacement parts that will be around for awhile and do everything i need. I live in long island, new york if that affects what cartridges i should be shooting for

new ro di help please

ijust got a ro di system all hooked up. it is running perfectly leaving water at o tds. i wondered if i need to add any supplements for corals as the ro di removes everything? or does the salt add all the good stuff back? also i started the tank with tap water and conditioner. should i do alot of waterchanges to make it only ro di water? it is a 16 gallon not much?what youguys think?

Back from Hiatus

Well after a long lapse in the hobby I am about ready to start back up. I have some left over equipment from previous tanks but I am going bigger than I have before. Currently I live just outside of nashville not too far from the glasscages warehouse. At the end of the year I am moving down to the atlanta area so I plan to buy my new tank from glasscages before I go. I have had tanks from them before and had no issues. Anyway, I plan to buy a 240L from them along with their stand/canopy. I have a reefkeeper elite, but I just got an apex that I am going to try out. I also think I will use my old skimmer (reefocto 200) for a while. I have pumps, but they are all mag's and I want something that runs cooler. As far as lights, I have been eyeballing and reading reviews on the reefbreeders photon 48". possibly two of those. Any thoughts? Also I am contemplating sump size and design. Looking for suggestions. I am thinking a 55g but worried about size due to power outages. Any input and suggestion would be appreciated.

I missed it , WOW

Join Date: Jan 1999
Location: Southern Oregon,surrounded by dreadnecks
Posts: 40,011
Images: 28

RODI filter question

Hey, got a question for you guys. I have well water with quite a bit of sediment but no chlorine. My sediment filter clogs pretty fast. Would I be better off running 2 sediment and one carbon rather than 1 sediment and 2 carbon?

Do i need to repack this

When I got my di the first time it didn't have that gap, so I am assuming this is no good. Do I need to repack?

Need saltwater tank advice 125 gallon

Howdy folks!

I'm getting a 125 gallon aquarium (not drilled) over the next couple weeks. I want to run a FOWLR with a single Black Volitan lionfish.

My questions are mostly regarding filtration and water circulation. As I stated before the tank is not drilled and I don't plan on drilling it or having it drilled. That being said a sump is pretty much out of the question.

I currently own a Reef Octopus HOB classic 1000 skimmer which is rated up to 100 gallons (light bio-load). My thoughts were to either buy a second matching skimmer and run both plus get bunch of live rock and a couple power-heads and go with a Berlin-style setup. Or add a large HOB filter along with the skimmer and powerheads. I'm inclined to do the dual skimmers and maybe add Purigen in one and Chemi-pure in the other.

As far as rock goes I was thinking of getting some either premium live rock or maybe just some Coraline living rock...most websites say 1-2 pounds of rock per gallon...can I get away with less? Say 75 pounds or so? I want plenty of rock but I want the fish to have ample room to swim as well.

How many and how large of powerheads would I need? I would like to use as few as possible for energy efficiency.

Any advice would be helpful. Thanks!

Fish Traps: How to catch aquarium fish like a PRO

Fish Traps: How to catch aquarium fish like a PRO

Are you upgrading to a bigger tank but having difficulty catching your fish to move them into their new home?

Do you have an aggressive fish that is bullying your other aquarium inhabitants that you'd like to remove and relocate?

In today's Marine Depot video, Robert demonstrates how to bait and catch aquarium fish safely using a simple acrylic fish trap. All it requires is some tasty fish food, an inexpensive fish trap and a little patience!

Pest ID

I as wondering what those sponge looking things are (Attached Pic) and if they're reef safe or not. They seem to have tentacles coming out the top of them They're also growing on the glass. I know the white dots are the Spirorbid Worms which I heard are reef safe. I have tons of them.


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gf accidentally poured 3 to 4 oz of rubbing alcohol into tank.

so i think my fish are drunk. the blue ones are all over playing in the current which they usually hide . should i take them out put them in a bucket with some air stone and do 75 percent change or 100?/or just let them be drunk as ever and it will filter out?

Fastlane Friday

Morning all. My client site is pretty quiet at 4 am. Got a decent parking spot.

Working in shifts getting everything going to do an engineering build beginning next week. My weekend plans involve a lot of typing. The calendar is screaming as a deadline approaches.

Got a project manager flying in next week, and I plan to deputize her as well.

Put some coffee on, and got some donuts out.

Enjoy your Friday everyone.

Growing Coraline

Hey guys, I have owned a 10g nano for almost a year now and am really enjoying it. Since summer coraline algae has started to grow at a noticeable rate. My water parameter's are okay with my nitrates a little high around 30-40 ppm, doing weekly to biweekly 10% water changes to lower it. I didn't start to notice it's growth until I left the filtration cartridge in the filter for a couple months, I heard that can help house beneficial bacteria and it seems to really be working. So here's what I have for you guys if you could help...

Is it true what I've heard about leaving the filter cartridge in?
Why has coraline started growing so fast?
Is it good/necessary?
How do I speed it's growth?

Thanks guys!

Problems with shrimps and snails

Hey guys, I have been keeping a 10g tank for almost a year now and would like to know why I am having trouble keeping shrimp and snails. A hitch-hiker pistol shrimp made my first cleaner shrimp's insides implode, then after I got that little punk out the next cleaner I bought died a couple days later. That was a good six months ago, now just last week the snail I bought went off the deep end. I have two hermits and an awesome little urchin doing great, btw.

From what I've read here it's likely either a copper problem or a rapid acclimation to the tank. Could I cancel out the copper scenario being that a pistol shrimp lived in my tank for at least 4 months before I removed it?

Also my nitrate levels are a high, around 30-40ppm. I'm doing what I can to lower them. Everything besides that is normal.

Thanks for your help!

jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Questions about lighting

Does anyone know anything about a sunbrite slim line s12 I was thinking about buying one for my 40 gallon reef tank would this be suitable and is it worth the price of $150 thank you for all your help

Maxspect r420r Settings Help!!

Hi guys!

I started with the automated setting and I think the 100% in the afternoon is way too high.

I just set up a 50 gallon ReefSavvy a few weeks ago. I have the 160w R420R LED sitting about 6 inches above the tank and was wondering about what you guys feel is ideal as far as settings.

I plan to do some a mix of SPS (Acro and Monti) and LPS.

I think the 100% is pretty bright on the Automatic setting.

Tank is 50 gallons, 36x18x18. I have a beautiful Acro colony and about a 6x6 colony of Superman Monti.

Basically wondering if anyone has used this light and what kind of advice they can offer given my set up.

Any help or insight would be VERY much appreciated!!


29 biocube downgrade

hey guys just thought id throw out a new thread about my downsizing tanks.
some of you may know i was running an 8 AIO, 125G FO and 20G frag along with a 72B. well come to find out that it takes a decent amount of power to do such things lol. i knew my power bills would be hih they always have been a little up there since ive started this hobby. but a few months ago i receive a bill that was over $300. so i went and ran the numbers on all the equipment on all the tanks and came up with close to 2/3 of my bill was due to tanks. and as much as i enjoy my fish i am not sure i enjoy them that much.

so I decided to downsize my 72B to a recently acquired 29 biocube. which i had done some light modding to. I knew i would want more light that the stock cube could give me. but i wanted to keep the AIO look with the hood still on the system. so i read up on some led's and mods. i kinda liked the steves and rapid led kits but i thought they were a little expensive. right before i bought one i found a set of 2 i think they are mars aqua or something similar 165W led's on sale for 50 each at a LFS. i thought hey it looks like it could go in there with some encouragement so why not try.

and try i did, i took both of the led's home and tore one out of its housing and started trying to fit it into the hood. took a lot of working but finally got it in there. ill take some pictures of whats *under the hood* if anyone really wants to see. once i got it in there the system seems like its running perfectly. as for cooling it i retro fitted the hood with two silenx 60 m fans
and 2 more 80mm silenx fans i have in tank media baskets in the back with a ball of cheato.

as for stock i have
2 picasso clown
1 rainfordi goby
1 yellow nose goby
1 mandarin goby
1 skunk cleaner

think thats it. basically the stock out of my 72 but the sail-fin and flame angel now live in the 125 in the basement

kinda wondering if i need another fish in this tank for some more movement as the clowns never really leave eachothers side and dont seem to just stride through the tank. if you didnt know sometimes the tank could look empty.

also if anyone had any fun coral suggestions im open to them. im attempting my first real SPS as in a green slimer in this tank. i broke a small frag off a larger bit i have in my frag tank that i acquired recently and i am attempting to grow it. we shall see. but anyway onto the pictures!
they are cell pictures know everyone loves those high quality images

Algae seems to be coming back

Hello All...

I seem to be getting a dusting of what the senior reefers here said was "the uglies." I am not sure why.

My numbers are:
Temp: 80
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 0-10 (depending on the day)
pH: 8.0

Two ocellaris clowns
One banded sleeper goby
Three green chromis
One flame angel

I have a 23 gallon sump with bio balls, skimmer, UV sanitizer and a multimedia reactor running NPX bio pellets.

I have 23lbs of LR and about 1" bed of LS. It's a 92 gallon corner.

I bought an RO/DI machine and have been changing water about once every 9-10 days depending on work.

The fish are happy and eating. I also get some brown algae on the glass but not much. I scrape what I get. The brown on the sand went away a few weeks ago. Before the reactor I was getting some on the rocks. They are pristine now.

Any ideas? Thanks.

First marine tank. Cycling question

It's been long time since I've had an aquarium and decided to take my enpty 20g tank out of the attic and make a nano reef tank. I have 20lbs. of live sand, 10 pounds of dry rock and 10 lbs of live rock that I purchased from the LFS. I am 3 days up an running and am wondering if I need to put a raw shrimp in the tank to cycle, or if the tank will do it on its own.

Here are my water test results:

Day 1: pH - 8, Ammonia - .75, Nitrite - 1 and Nitrate - 10
Day 2: pH - 8, Ammonia - .25, Nitrite - .25 and Nitrate - 20
Day 3: pH - 8, Ammonia - .25, Nitrite - 0 and Nitrate - 10

The only life i see in there are some pods running around the live rock. Do I need to be feeding them and if so, what do you recommend.

Thank you.

Hair algae? HELP!

So over the past few weeks my algae has gotten worse. Recently bubbles started showing up as well. And there is purple algae stuff on the sand, cyano? Anyways. I replaced my lights, chemi pure elite, purigen, and added phosguard. It's been a week and one water change with not much of a difference. Any help or questions would be great.

Snail ID

Can anyone help idea this guy?
Beneficial or toss it?

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Acrylic polishing

I am searching for a company that can polish a few small scratches on my 700 gallon acrylic tank. I am based in Louisville but would be willing to pay some travel. Any recommendations would be appreciated.

Win a Red Sea REEFER Aquarium!

Win a Red Sea REEFER Aquarium!

Our biggest giveaway EVER—with over $1400 in prizes—will be coming to a close next Wednesday 9/30.

Enter for your chance to win before it's too late—there is no purchase necessary!


Algea? Growing out of Zoa

This looks like algea to me that's growing out of my Zoa but I'm not really sure. Will it kill the Zoa? It doesn't seem to be affected by it right now it just looks weird.

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Skimmer build up

Is it normal for a skimmer to look like this? I've had it running on my 45g reef tank for about a month and a half.

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Any reef tank clubs I can join?

I have had my first reef tank setup for about 9 months now. I have gotten addicted. So now I'm looking for a club so I can hang out with people who have the same passion for the hobby.

I have a 55 gal with 55 lbs of live rock two Clark clown fish two bangai cardinals
1 green toadstool mush some Xenia some nuclear dragon eye zoos and more.

60 Gallong Upgrade Help!

Hi there guys. So its been just over one year that I have had my simple 25 gallon reef set up! Only running an HOB Protein Skimmer. Only lost one torch coral! Its pretty stocked So Im looking to upgrade my tank to a rimless, drilled 60 gallon cube 24x24X24 inches. I would just like a little feed back on my plan.
So I need to add +20 lbs of liverock (Already have 30 lbs in my 25 gallon)
Im thinking of purchasing nice display rock. Most likely put 20-25lbs of LR in my sump. Im going to convert my current 25 gallon into a sump for my 60 gallon upgrade.

Any recommendations on return pumps? Going with a 500gph pump im thinking, maybe slightly larger? Would a Supreme Mag 5 -500gph be not enough for my systems size? The pump will only be pumping from the sump to the display tank which is about 3-3.5 feet. (I understand the Pumps Rating for 4 feet), main concern here is 500gph for a 60 gallon+(15-20 gallons in sump) = 80 gallon total. Is that enough?

Any recommendations on protein skimmers? My current one SUCKS. (Drips water from the collection cup) and its impossible to seal. I bought it for 60$ so it was a deal. But definitely upgrading to a submersible, reliable and very well rated skimmer!

This build is not really on a budget. My main goal is to make an outstanding visual appealing reef tank. Aiming for under 800$. Tank is 300$ itself, good protein skimmers 200-400$, 100-125$ Return pump + my Rock and substrate I need.

Im currently running Chinese LEDs, no issue so far. Planning on upgrading my lights to radion G3's within the next year or so.

Is there anything else I should consider adding into my sump? I watched a lot of youtube videos. I am currently dosing Calcium, Alkalinity and I started dosing Reed Plus about two months ago and like it so im going to continue using it.

Thanks :)


First Thursday of fall

Good morning folks, and .....HAPPY THURSDAY! Decided we need to go back to buying the 'family-packs' of waffles again...Nate's really chomping em down, so get your's fast and watch your fingers. As always plenty of coffee and pink milk. Yeah you guessed it...'Lil' Hack got up early today, I know not why. Have a groovy one everyone,

mercredi 23 septembre 2015

Led light

Wtb led light I'm in Sacramento CA looking for something to support my sps asap

Looking for led lights

Hello I'm new here I'm looking for led lights I'm located in Sacramento CA

Is this a Corynactis Californica, and what do I do with it?

Yoh! I'm new to saltwater tanks, so I figured I'd start with something easy: a Whitemouth eel. It's name is Jetsam and it's a ferocious cutie that I'm completely in love with.

About 4 days ago, I found strange little pink grows in there. I think they're Corynactis. There are 4 of them so far, and they seem to have appeared out of nowhere. I have no idea where they came from. They weren't there last week.

Is this a Corynactis Californica?

And if so, are they dangerous to my eel?

I'm moving Jetsam to a 120 gallon tank in two weeks, but I don't know what to do with the strange little pink things?

They seem to be multiplying and getting bigger. Should I be concerned?

Stats: 40 gallon that's been going for about a month since I moved, but has been going for 4 months before that at my old place, water temp is constant 78 and always has been, all levels are normal, except Nitrates are usually a pesky 30/40ppm no matter what I do. I'm running a Hydor slim skim skimmer and an Emperor 280. I have a ton of live rocks in there. I haven't added anything new to the tank since I set it up months ago.

Here's the tank, and Jetsam.

Any ideas? Suggestions?

White mouth eel + turbo snails

I have a beautiful whitemouth eel named Jetsam. I know he don't play nice with anything, but I thought maybe a turbo snail would be ok. I've already tried adding 3 turbo snails over the course of the past 5 months (not at the same time), but they keep dying.

I don't think Jetsam is killing them (although he sometimes tried to bite them), but none of the snails have lasted more than a month.

All the stats are normal. Nitrates are usually around 30/40ppm, but nothing I try keeps them down. I just have to do weekly water changes. I'm thinking it might have something to do with it being a newer set-up. And the fact that Jetsam obliterates his prey making a huge mess each time.

Jetsam seems to be fine though. He eats everything I give him (live and frozen food about three times a week) - he's always ravenous and active.

Any suggestions or ideas on why the snails keep dying?

Also, any suggestions on anything I can put in there that he won't try to kill and eat?

New to this... 40 gallon tank

I'm new to saltwater tanks (but experienced in freshwater), so I figured I'd start with something easy. I'm already hooked though, so I'm upgrading to a 120 gallon in two weeks for my white mouth eel, Jetsam.

In the meantime, this is what I have.

40 gallon
Hydor slim skim skimmer
Emperor 280
80-ish lbs of live rocks
Aqueon preset heater, 78 degrees
JBJ submersible pump
Beamswork LED lights

Any ideas? Suggestions?

This is DugFinn!

Yoh! I'm new to saltwater tanks, so I figured I'd start with something easy: a whitemouth eel. It's name is Jetsam and it's a ferocious cutie that I'm completely in love with.

Nice to meet everyone!

Button Polyps have not come out

I have had my button polyps for about a month now. The first three or four days they came out fully but ever since have been open enough to see them but not open enough to have their spiny edges come out. I have tried different placements and the water parameters are fine for the polyps. They still have color they just won't fully expand. Any suggestions?

New tank in development

I have decided I hate my 170. To tall to long just done. So I am going to be changing tanks and going with a 36x36x18. I have decided on a few things. But some I have not, like starphire glass or just save money.

I am going with the synergy reef ghost overflow but worried about rear clerance
Avast marine CS1 skimmer
Waveline dc return pump
I have Ocean Revive leds now. But I might upgrade later or use 2 of them and 1 250watt MH.minimal rock maybe 50 lbs, and doing pink Fiji sand. Here is a rendering of what I am looking at

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Chiller Routing

So I recently bought a used Aqua Medic Chiller and keep getting conflicting opinions on routing it. Should I run an independent pump left in sump or hook it up through my main pump?
Main pump is a Mag 9.5 and I have a Mag 5 to use for chiller should I go independent. Thanks in advance

Micro bubble problem

I'm setting up a tank I bought from a friend. It's a Red Sea max 130 plug and play system. I bought a new skimmer pump and turned on the skimmer. What was clear display before is now filled with micro bubbles. There is a baffle between skimmer section and return section but it's obviously not enough to keep out the bubbles. There is room for media in the baffle. Not sure if there is something I could put there to screen the bubbles. Current sponge filter isn't working.

My nano tank

10gal tank
Fluval AquaClear Power Filter HOB (poly filter pad and Marinepure bio filters)
Hydor Koralia Nano Aquarium Circulation Pump 240
Current USA Orbit Marine Aquarium LED Light 18-24 inch
Aqueon Pro Heater 50

Live stock
10lb of live crush coral sand
11lbs of live rock
2 clown fish
1 Torch coral frag
1 Hammer coral frag
1 Zoanthid frag
1 cleaner shrimp
5 snails

Parameters as of 9-22-15
PH 8.2
Salinity 1.23
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Ammonia 0

Desperate Help


Okay, so my tank had a melt down a while back (due to a faulty heater which heated up my tank so high that it melted all of my corals), since then, my tank cannot have corals for some odd reason. Ive done different tests on it, and everything except Nitrate is at 0. pH is at 7.8, and ammonia and nitrite are at 0ppm. My salinity is a bit low, but other than that, nothing seems to be wrong.

In my other tank, I had a beaded carpet die, and I was going to put my green carpet into that tank, but everything in it is sky high. Ammonia is high and nitrite is high.

I don't know what to do to not lose my carpet. Anything that you see that could be wrong with my water, PLEASE tell me!!!:doh:

Acrylic polishing

I just purchased a new tank and it has a few light scratches in the front. Does anyone know someone who polishes acrylic.

WTB Colorful Corals and Anemones!

I am looking to spice up my tank with some color, what do you have to get rid of? Please let me know pricing! Thanks!

JBJ 30 gallon rimless

for anyone interested in the Denver metro area.

Selling near new tank and stand with all equipment. All is less then a year old. Tank and stand are jbj 30 gallon rimless all in one with curved glass and two water flow pumps. LED lights are Kessil A160we tuna blue controllable led aquarium light, Kessil controller, Kessil gooseneck mount, Ecotech Vortec MP 10 propeller pump, refugium with Led light and cheato that grows like crazy, tank has two media baskets and two extra brand new pumps as the first shipped tank i got was broken. These tanks are very hard to order and get shipped without being broken so come and check it out yourself and take it home today. Lots of extras that come with tank for cleaning and water testing and such and also comes with an RODI all included in the 650 dollar price.
Live stock and live rock can go with the tank for 100 dollars more or will sell seperate for anyone interested in a pair of clown fish that host just about anything they can find, I alsohave a flame hawkfish, a rose bubble tip anemone, a large piece of frog spawn, a torch coral, a flower pot, a toad stool, various leathers, a large mushroom rock, kenya trees and other lps that i cant remember the names - all including the live rock they are stuck to and live sand for 100 bucks.
750 takes the whole set up and i have buckets to take the water for easy transfer from my house to yours. Call or text eddie if interested 720-six28-six885.

Catching a wrasse

Hello all I wanna know what is the best way to catch a 6 line wrasse without taking apart the tank since most of my LR and coral is cemented in place? He is a little to aggressive to the smaller fish I add to my tank.


Lagoon Tanks, Apex Accessories & Your Reviews

Lagoon Tanks, Apex Accessories & Your Reviews

New reviews, new arrivals and new accessories for your Apex AquaController

Shipping starts at a low $4.99 and most orders $75+ ship FREE—order $300+ to score a MD clownfish T-shirt!

O2 levels and serpent stars

A couple/three weeks ago I realized that 3 of my large black serpent stars were
missing. I thought that our Zebra Moray had taken them, and I'm still not convinced he didn't.

There are three of the green serpents still in the tank, as well a small black one who lives in an old clam shell embedded in a potion of DIY rock. Also in the clam are a couple red mushrooms. I never see the center of this SS, but his legs are always searching for passing food.

So I just re-oerdered more of the black SS. Live Aquaria warns that they are extremely sensitive to changes in oxygen levels as well as SG and PH.

What has to happen to lower 02 to a dangerous degree other than an extended power outage???.....of which we've not had a long one. 15 minutes or so during a thunder thumper.

Any thoughts?

Wide awake Wednesday

Morning everyone. Got a touch of TRTI. I need to start working out or something when on the road.

Busy day ahead. Have a bunch of people from our division in India here. Need to spend a few hours turning over some information to help them be productive.

Coffee is on. Hope everyone has a great day.

New 275 liter / 75ish gallon tank need some info


I am new to the forums so hopefully some one might point and help me to the right direction.

The tank will be my1st ever tank and doing some research before buying everything as any normal person would do.
So my question is. What are a good type of fish and Coral for such a size tank, I am getting mixed info from different stores on amount of corel and fish and type.
Maybe if there is a website or even here on this forum with a guide to go by.

Thanks in advance

mardi 22 septembre 2015

Most effective water parameters for LPS?

What would be the best or ideal range of cal, alk, mag, for an LPS/softie tank? Would these differ from sps ideal numbers?

Best RO/DI System

Hey guys,
CAn you please suggest good RO/DI system for FOWLR Aquariuam?

I have Aquatic Life RO/DI Buddie unit, which is awful, therefore I've decided to change RO/DI system completely. My budget is around 200$.

Thank you in advance,

Start cycle with seafood ?

Went to local market to get some raw table shrimp. I've heard it's the best way to start a cycle for a reef tank.
The market only had farm raised shrimp/prawns.
Is farm raised shrimp ok?
Could us newbies use any raw seafood?
How about squid, lobster tail, fish or oysters?

Redhead Solon fairy wrasse laying at bottom of tank

I have a redhead Solon fairy wrasse that has been mostly laying on its side and sometimes back on the bottom of my tank the past two days. It will eat if you put food in front of it and will swim around a little bit like everything is normal. He breathes hard and looks around like he is dying but then acts fine and back to lying on side. Anyone know what could be wrong? He's been fine the past two months I've had him and I've changed nothing.

Cycle help

Hello all, My name is Joe. I'm very new to this. I just started setting up my saltwater tank yesterday. I've been non-stop reading and I'm ready to start the cycle process of my tank. I still have tons to learn and I hope I can learn from the experts on this site. My main goal is to have a coral reef tank with a couple of fish. I only need like 4 fish as I'm more focused on the coral but i do want some fish but do not want to over crowd the tank.

I have a 55 gallon salt water tank. Yesterday I bought 60lbs of live sand and coral pro salt, quick start and stress coat. I had to use my Tap water which i declorinated than added my salt mixture. My ph level was a little low when I tested it at my local fish store so I bought ph super buffer. I'm currently waiting for my wave makers and led light. I bought a cascade canister filter 1000 which is good for aquariums up to for 100 gallons.

So with that being said I started my tank. My filter is running perfectly, my salinity level is exactly at 1.024 and my heater is set to 79 degrees and the tank is reading exactly 79 degrees. My 60lbs of live sand is in the tank and the tank is perectly clear. So I bought 4 fish to help the cycle of my tank. Little tiny fish, i forgot the name but it begins with "d". My local fish guy said to keep these for a little bit to help the cycle and keep the live sand alive and I can return them once I decided on the live rock. Well I decided and I want to do the live rock.

So my question is, am I doing this right so far? Please bring it on me because I need to learn more. I want my fish to live in a stress free environment and watch my tank grow to and established reef tank. Some people said this filter isn't going to be good for a reef tank and suggested a rodi. I know this isn't a perfect setup so please give advice on what I can do to make my fish tank thrive.

Thank you, Joe.

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What kind?

What kind of anemone is this?

Video: Durso & sump drain super loud help!

I have a 1" bulkhead and 1 return (1 overflow). I have a SICCE 5.0 pump currently have it on the lowest flow setting b.c if I increase it, it increase more volume in my durso/drain. My pump is silent, no problem there.

So my durso is adjustable (up and down to control water level in overflow) currently have the top cap hole right under the teeth in overflow. The trickling noise of the water is no problem with me its the whooshing and sometimes gargling. If my pump is on a higher flow the level will go up and down in the overflow pretty fast. Currently, on lowest setting it is staying pretty consistently level but still makes a ton of noise.

I also have a RS-200 (eshoppes) sump. I removed the bulk heads of the sump and the pvc that goes into the first compartment and drilled holes at the bottom. Also had some flex line hoses that came with it and ditched them b.c it dipped down back up since they were too long. Now have a 2" vinyl hosing see pics that go directly from bulkhead to bulkhead. I thought that would make the sound go down but for some reason I feel like it got louder!!@ anyone have any advice on what to do now I saw some threads about airline tubing and a gate valve on the top of the durso to adjust the water level. I really do want to make the SICCE flow sump level can sustain with max flow on its sitting about 10" of water. I'm a newbie any suggestions!

Here is a video of my durso pump i went to LFS and got airline tubing and a little valve.. DID not do anything.. My durso comes with 3 drilled holes (see the pic) and i'm not exactly what they are for?

See the video HELP!!:

I should note if I lower my flow on my sicce to basically the lowest dial it doesn't make AS MUCH noise (still super noisey - not like the videos I have seen on youtube) and water level a little more consistent but obviously I want more flow..

Clownfish breathing fast, not eating

I have an ocellaris clownfish that I've had for 3 weeks, she had been doing great up until about 5 days ago she stopped eating and is now staying in the bottom corner of the tank and is breathing very fast, while the male clownfish is doing amazing and is full of energy.

7.8 pH
Ammonia 0.25 ppm
Nitrite 0.25 ppm
Nitrate 10 ppm
Temperature 79 degrees Fahrenheit
Salinity 1.020

Acan under attack?

A while back I tried my hand with a small Acan drag, a week after I got the frag it looked like a skeleton as if something stripped it. I had two peppermint shrimp who seemed fond of it. I didn't see anything on the web about shrimp eating them so I chalked it up to bad luck. A week ago I added a new Acan and two days later I got home from being away and the same thing happened. Is the shrimp possibly the culprit?

Live Aquaria sale

Did anyone receive or take advantage of the LA sale.....20% off?

Maybe not everyone gets the email notifications?

10gal reef tank filtration

I need help. I have a 10 gal tank with 11lbs of live rock, 2 clown fish, 1 cleaner shrimp, 5 snails, 1 torch coral frag, 1 hammer coral frag and a zoanthid frag. I have a fluval filtration going and I recently tossed out the media filter because they were dirty. I have a poly filter inside of it right now. my question is... do I need those bio filters or will the poly filter be enough for my nano?

Brand-spankin' new 55 gallon build

Finally, after years of waiting and months of planning, researching, buying, and work, my 55 gallon soon-to-be softies and LPS reef has officially begun the cycle (Sunday evening)! Here's what I've got rolling so far:
  • Standard non-reef ready Tetra 55 gallon tank (dollar-a-gallon at petco, hard to pass up) with Lifereef HOB overflow, sitting on DIY stand
  • Bare bottom now, so i can can more accurately figure out flow and detritus settling, will eventually add 3/4" sandbed for aesthetics
  • 50 lbs of BRS reef saver rock, elevated off the bottom with 3/4" pvc
  • 5 lbs live fiji rock to seed
  • 2 koralia2 powerheads operated by koralia wavemaker
  • DIY sump out of a 20g long, with bubble trap baffles space 2" apart
  • Reef Octopus Classic-150INT (not running during cycle)
  • Eheim Jager 150watt heater powered by DIY heater controller
  • Mag9 return pump
  • Hydor Smart level ATO
  • 1 dead stinky shrimp that makes the wife dry heave when she walks by (bonus)
  • Instant Ocean mixed with RODI from Spectrapure refurb 90GPD unit

Params as of yesterday:
  • NH3: .25ppm
  • NO2: 0ppm
  • NO3: 0ppm
  • Salinity: 1.026 SG
  • pH: 8.16

10-20% WC weekly during cycle
LED lighting will be acquired and turned on after cycle is complete

So that's how she's running so far. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!
