mardi 22 septembre 2015

Cycle help

Hello all, My name is Joe. I'm very new to this. I just started setting up my saltwater tank yesterday. I've been non-stop reading and I'm ready to start the cycle process of my tank. I still have tons to learn and I hope I can learn from the experts on this site. My main goal is to have a coral reef tank with a couple of fish. I only need like 4 fish as I'm more focused on the coral but i do want some fish but do not want to over crowd the tank.

I have a 55 gallon salt water tank. Yesterday I bought 60lbs of live sand and coral pro salt, quick start and stress coat. I had to use my Tap water which i declorinated than added my salt mixture. My ph level was a little low when I tested it at my local fish store so I bought ph super buffer. I'm currently waiting for my wave makers and led light. I bought a cascade canister filter 1000 which is good for aquariums up to for 100 gallons.

So with that being said I started my tank. My filter is running perfectly, my salinity level is exactly at 1.024 and my heater is set to 79 degrees and the tank is reading exactly 79 degrees. My 60lbs of live sand is in the tank and the tank is perectly clear. So I bought 4 fish to help the cycle of my tank. Little tiny fish, i forgot the name but it begins with "d". My local fish guy said to keep these for a little bit to help the cycle and keep the live sand alive and I can return them once I decided on the live rock. Well I decided and I want to do the live rock.

So my question is, am I doing this right so far? Please bring it on me because I need to learn more. I want my fish to live in a stress free environment and watch my tank grow to and established reef tank. Some people said this filter isn't going to be good for a reef tank and suggested a rodi. I know this isn't a perfect setup so please give advice on what I can do to make my fish tank thrive.

Thank you, Joe.

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